englische Reime?

3 Antworten


generell kannst du mal nach "Limericks" suchen, das sind kurze, witzige Gedichte zu jeweils fünf Versen mit dem Reimschema: a a b b a.


There was a young lady from Riga,

Who smiled when she rode on a tiger.

They came back from the ride

With the lady inside,

The smile on the face of the tiger.

Und dann vielleicht noch:

Latin is a language - as dead as dead can be.

First it killed the Romans, now it's killing me.


I used to be thin, but now I am thinner.

And so would you be with our school dinner!


when in panic or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout

gibe the gods a thrill, kill, kill, kill (Cheerleaderchantry in einem brutalen Sportspiel)

  • If the lady
  • Gets the baby,
  • Join the army
  • Or the navy.

Und ja, ich distanziere mich von diesen Reimen.


Gruß, earnest