
2 Antworten

Possible advantages:

  • Improvement of medical research by use of new technology
  • Reduction of time at work that could be done by robots etc.
  • AI f. i. could help with even developping further ideas on its own, which can lead to more success

Possible disadvantages:

  • Humankind could become dependant from technologies --> critical infrastructure could be harmed
  • One might lose control over self-conscious AI systems
  • The replacement of work previously done by humans will raise the unemployment rate.

LG und schönen Tag

 28.02.2023, 18:36

das ist jetzt mein Text wie findest du ihn? Ich glaube es ist nicht so gut geworden oder?😂

A life only with technology. But how would life be with only technology would everything be easier or even harder and would that be easier for the world?

Technology plays a big role in our lives but we don't realize what it does to us and the world.

People could become dependent on technology, we would no longer spend time with our family or enjoy nature in general. In addition, technology can make you lose your self-confidence because you only want to be like every pretty girl on social media. In addition, the replacement of work that was previously done by humans but will be done by robots in the future can cause even more people to become unemployed. But still there are many things that speak for it. It would be an improvement of medical research through the use of new technologies. In addition, it can lead to the fact that we humans have shortened working hours because the work could be taken over by robots.

I think that the new technology would be better for the world because it takes away a lot of work and it simplifies a lot of things.

jaibacldienf  01.03.2023, 17:48

Ja, vom Inhalt her ganz gut! Ich würde weniger "in addition" als Linking word nehmen :-)

Du könntest die Punkte auch genauer ausführen, wenn du möchtest, mit bspw. einem Beispiel aus persönlichen Erfahrungen und so.

 28.02.2023, 18:05

Danke dir 💕


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