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Are influencers able to change public opinion?
Big influencers tend to have many followers who can watch their stories on Instagram or videos on YouTube and follow every part of their lives in general. Kylie Jenner for example has 379 million followers and is therefore seen as an idol by many people. This is the reason why I think that famous people have a lot of influence on the opinions of others.
Throughout history the public opinion was shaped by news and other media outlets. Starting with newspapers, developed in the 17th century for selected groups of people to the early 19th century where newspapers were published all over the world. In the 1950s the television became the most important medium for shaping public opinion. Since then the focus shifted to social media. I would consider Kylie Jenner as one of the best examples for a social media influencer, because many, especially young people look up to her and are impressed by her looks, actions and her image as a self-made billionaire. If she explained how she achieved her fame and fortune, no matter how ludicrous the explanation, everyone would believe her. Whether she told the truth or not would not make a difference though, people would believe it because she made it in life and they want to make it too. Admittedly she manages to work and raise two children at the same time, which gives her the appearance of knowing exactly what she is doing, so why not imitate her then? In addition, she always shows herself as cheerful and never tired or exhausted. To exemplify the influence Kylie Jenner has over the public it is important to mention that when she stopped using Snapchat intensively, she lost one billion dollars in one day. This is proof that Kylie Jenner is very highly ranked in the social media world and an icon to many.
The next point is, that famous people often cooperate with well known brands, companies or other famous people and the promotional films or photos run through all possible media. This not only enhances the person's public image but also backs up the idea that the person is worthy of support because their cooperation partners stand behind them in what they do.
On the other hand, I think many people use reliable and scientific sources to develop their own opinion. So if someone advertises the fast fashion of Shein, they should be aware that this is a company that is environmentally harmful and unsustainable. Consequently, nothing should be bought from there. Due to people researching before buying, not every famous person can change just anyone's opinion or way of thinking. Though not everyone has the time or energy to research everything, which is why many rely on influencers being a trustworthy source of information about the brands they advertise.
So all in all, the media pushes opinions on people through celebrities and influencers, knowing that people want to follow their idols, imitate their actions, buy and use the same products that they do. Because of that, we have to be careful not to fall for the great but often fake lives of influencers just because we find them admirable. We probably need to be more critical of people on the Internet and rather ask friends and family what they think about certain topics or brands and discuss important parts of life with them instead of blindly following an icon.
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 10.02.2023, 12:28

Vielen Dank! Du hast einige Sätze noch mal viel besser formuliert, kann ich auf jeden Fall von lernen.

Jumis  10.02.2023, 12:34

Freut mich, dass ich dir helfen konnte :)