Connectives- Linking words?! Das Gleiche?

1 Antwort

Ja, connectives und linking words sind das Gleiche.

Man nennt sie auch Konjunktionen (conjunctions) z.B.:

after = nach; although = obwohl; and = und; because = weil; both .... and = sowohl als auch; but= aber; either .... or = entweder oder; even though = obwohl; however = jedoch; if = wenn, falls; in order to = um zu; neither .... nor = weder noch; nevertheless = dennoch, trotzdem; not only .... but as well/but also = nicht nur, sondern auch; or = oder; since = da ja, weil; so = deshalb; so that - so dass; that = welcher, -e, -es (für Dinge, Tiere, Personen); that's why = deshalb; though = obwohl; to = um zu; when = als; whereas = wohingegen; while = während;

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:-) AstridDerPu