Wie findedihr die songs die ich gemacht habe 2024?

Hi ich habe paar Songs 2 Songs gemacht

Ein da war ich traurig und ein für meine Freundin wo wir uns am Strand getroffen haben

Everytime I visit this place

It keeps happening over and over

And keeps reapiting in a ciycel again and agian

And I don't know what I can do to stop the pain

Every Love I finde Leaves at the end

Like a leaf of the tree

And I just want the pain to end

But I don't know what I should do

Before and after it Dosent matter

I be sad forever

The moment you realize

There is no Girl For you

No Soulmate for you

No Person To Love for you

No Family i can have with her

Its only you and the darkness

Forever and ever

And there is nothing you can do

Only a Mirical could save you

From the Forever pain

But it's only you and the darkness

And your alone

Forever and ever

Everytime you visit this place

It keeps happening over and over

And keeps reapiting in a ciycel again and agian

And you don't know what you can do to stop the pain

Every Love you finde Leaves at the end

Like a leaf of the tree

And you just want the pain to end

But you don't know what you should do

Before and after it Dosent matter

You be sad forever

The moment you realize

There is no Girl For you

No Soulmate for you

No Person To Love for you

No Family you can have with her

Its only you and the darkness

Forever and ever

And there is nothing you can do

Only a Mirical could save you

From the Forever pain

But it's only you and the darkness

And your alone

Forever and ever

And there is nothing you can do

Before and after it Dosent matter

You be sad forever

The moment you realize

There is no Girl For you

No Soulmate for you

No Person To Love for you

No Family you can have with her

Its only you and the darkness

Forever and ever

And there is nothing you can do

Forever and ever

And there is nothing you can do

Forever and ever

But Everytime you visit this place

It keeps happening over and over

And keeps reapiting in a ciycel again and agian

And you don't know what you can do to stop the pain

Stop the pain

And there is nothing you can do

Und das ist der zweite

Then we meet at The Volly Ball place

At the Hotel Cancun

And it was a Thursday

And her eyes so beuteful like the moon

And her name was Amira

She was so cute

And I can't forget her

Having sleepless nights thinking what I should do

Before we meet

I was so nervous to talk to her

I had a flower I wanted to give her

But it was a long day

And I knew if I would not talk to her

I would regret this forever

After we meet we had fun

Taking selfies And we're at the Party

Amira Amira

Me and You

Amira Amira

Me and You

I want to give you my heart

Because you mean a lot to me

Are the Favorit part of my life

The only one for me

I feel like your my soulemate

I need you here with me

Amira Amira

Me and You

Amira Amira

Me and You

You always know how i feel, even when I try my best to hide it

You bring my heart to jump Form Joy

Your smell is so Sweet I want to cuddle you

The Softness of your hand to the Sound of the Beach

I do really want you do be my Paradies

Amira Amira

Me and You

Amira Amira

Me and You

We were sitting on the Beach

Only you and me

And hearing music at night

We were at the Beach Party

And we had much fun

And now I know your my soulemate

And I really do love you endless and forever

Amira Amira

Me and You

Amira Amira

Me and You


You mean the world to me

You're my everything

I'm lucky to have you

I can't imagine my life without you anymore

You do light up my life

You're are my best friend

I'm addicted to your eyes

I know you the one for me

Now I miss you and want you here with me


Forever in my heart

Is where you will be

Nobody else will enter

Because you have the only key

Amira Amira

Me and You-u-uh

Amira Amira

Me and You-u-uh

Amira Amira

Me and You

Amira Amira

Me and You

Wie finded ihr es

Liebe, singen, Liebeskummer, traurig, beach, Metal, cancun, Depression, Lyrics, Songwriting, Strand, BringMeTheHorizon

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