Englisch Präsentation, passt der Text so?


Ich bräuchte Mal kurz Hilfe von Leuten die gut Englisch können. Passt der Text so? Mein Ziel war es so wenig wie möglich schwere Wörter zu nutzen so wie auch so leicht und verständlich zu erklären was ich meine.

Hello and Welcome to my Präsentation on how to live sustainable. The first point is when it is cold on the outside you should not trun up the heatings straight away put something warm at the first on you. For example (In instance) an sweater or Jacket which you can see on the Picture. This will not only safe you money you but help you also to live sustainable. The second point is reduce your water consumination. Only use as much water as you really need. Dont stand in the shower for a long time, if you dont need that. Plastic is not good for the environment this has been known for a long time. You should avoid plastic bottels in shopps you can finde good opions. You also must not use your car unnecessary, if you can actually without it. Short routs can be done on food or by bike and long routs can also be done with puplic transport also a food opion. If you want do something good for your environment and for your skin you must use green products. There are much healthier for your skin because of the ingredients. You also prodect animals from experiments.

Falls ich zu oft irgend ein Wort benutzte könntet ihr mir noch eine Synonym nenne oder wenn ich auf jeden Fall noch etwas erwähnen sollte? Danke schööön.

Englisch, Präsentation, Synonym, Verbesserung
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