Report: Bitte korrigiert es (Englisch)?
Englisch: Report korrigieren und was soll ich am Schluss schreiben?

Also das war die Aufgabenstellung:

Könnt ihr mir auch am Ende irgendwie helfen, was ich da schreiben kann? Ich bitte euch, ich weiß echt nicht weiter


The following report outlines the house sharing experiences during lockdown preparation. The information is based on a survey done among 20 students how they prepared for the CORONA lockdown.

Survey solutions

Almost 32 % of the students carried on with their housemates as normal during the pandemic, so there was no change. 27 % stocked up with basics, books, projects to be prepared to stay in more. 23 % made a major overhaul to their living space, they discussed with their housemates. 15 % moved back home or with a friend and the last 3 % of the students evicted and desperate.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Some of these activities has their advantages and disadvantages. Being normal as always, especially in a pandemic, there aren’t really any disadvantages. If people know what to do, as overhauling your living space with your housemates or stocked up with basic projects, you are good prepared. Moving back home or with a friend depends how much space can be offered. S0, if they live in a small apartment, then it could be a problem to sleep noiseless as an example. A much bigger problem would be evicted and desperate: If these students are kicked off and they don’t have anyone to share with them their apartment, then it would be the biggest disadvantage.


The behaviour of the students can be changed or not: The 32 % of the students may forget what happened around the world. The 27 % and 23 % of the students may become more tolerant and understand much better the value of life. The last 3 % may become the victim of depression if they continue on being desperate.


To conclude, if we the world goes to another lockdown, people, who shares a apartment, should prepare ....

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English Text: Bitte um Korrektur oder Umschreibung - letter -anxiety :)?

Dear Mr. Hackman,

Since you know that I have trouble and I am not comfortable with face-to-face consultations to talk more about my social anxiety, I am writing you this letter for understanding me better:

Social anxiety was always one of my biggest problems. In public places, I always feel that people are watching me, judging me based on my looks, dressing sense and behaviour and I really suffer from this experience every single day. I also prefer to live alone, avoid conversations with guests and relatives, don’t go outside without a reason and I am also not interested in parties, family gatherings, etc. So, I have a big issue concerned with meeting a crowd of people. Most people especially my parents cannot understand my condition. That’s why silence and solitude are my comfort zone.

I don’t even know how I got social anxiety. As far as I can remember I always had it. I remember in preschool, I wanted my mom and would cry the whole time I was there until she came back to pick me up hours later. I went to my general practitioner and I was prescribed medicine for my anxiety but I never wanted to take it because I felt it would change me. So instead I did other things such as learning to be confident, being more kind to myself for making mistakes and challenging negative thoughts but all of this didn’t work.

How can I get rid of this social anxiety? I really tried everything I could but I am still struggling. I hope you can give me some advice.

Yours sincerely,

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