wombat englisch referat

2 Antworten

ehh sry habe vergessen mein referat aus zu schreiben also : size : to 1,2 m weght: to 35 kg speed: to 40 km/h food: grass,Plants , mosses

wombats are marsupials. They look like small bears.They are with koalas and kangurus related. One sees a wombat only seldom then a wombat spends 2/3 his lives underground and they are nights active. His favorite employment is to dig caves that can be up to 200 m long. Every two years a Wombat female bears a young that is so big in the birth just as a pea. in the first months it grows up in the bag of the mother. Special is in the bag; it is in the back of the female

Auf die Schnelle:

size : to 1,2 m weght: to 35 kg speed: to 40 km/h food: grass, Plants , mosses

wombats are marsupials. They look like small bears.They are with koalas and kangurus related - Word Order.

One sees a wombat only seldom

then a wombat spends 2/3 his lives underground and they are nights active. His

favorite (= AE; BE = favourite)

employment is to dig caves that can be up to 200 m long. Every two years Komma a Wombat female bears a young that is so big in the birth just as a pea. in the first months Komma it grows up in the bag of the mother. Special is in the bag; it is in the back of the female

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.eu,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

:-) AstridDerPu

 22.11.2012, 18:59

aber wieso bag heisst das nicht pouch ?

 22.11.2012, 18:59

aber wieso bag heisst das nicht pouch ?

 22.11.2012, 18:51

Vielen Dank