Wieso wurde Charlie Parker "Bird" genannt?

2 Antworten

Es gibt verschiedene Theorien dazu. Eine sagt, dass schon seine ersten Titel (ab ca. 1940) immer das Wort "bird" im Titel hatten , andere behaupten, es handele sich um die Kurzform seines Spitznamens "Yardbird" und es ist auch zu lesen, dass er ganz oft im Club "Birdland" aufgetreten" ist, genau wirst du es wohl nur erfahren, wenn du ein Buch über ihn liest.

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Bswss  02.06.2015, 16:12

Und hier noch mehr: Question: Charlie Parker was one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. His nickname was "Bird." What's with the nickname?

K.J., Roswell, Ga.

Answer: Charles Parker Jr. (1920-1955) picked up the nickname "Yardbird" early in his career. There are many conflicting stories as to how he got the name. One story is that he would listen to bands from the yard outside a club. Another is that he loved eating chicken, which was also called yardbird. Yet another version is that he practiced in a park so often that people would hear his sax and call him Bird. In time, Yardbird was shortened to Bird, a name that stuck with him for the rest of his life. (Quelle: Southeast Missourian)