Weiß jemand wie groß die Anzahl der Daoisten(..) in China ist?

1 Antwort

Von Experte Noidea333 bestätigt

Es gibt keine guten Daten zu diesem Thema, da sich die religiösen Vorstellungen schwer eingrenzen lassen:

Because many Han Chinese do not consider their spiritual beliefs and practices to be a "religion" and do not feel that they must practice any one of them exclusively, it is difficult to gather clear and reliable statistics.

Viele üben Rituale aus, ohne sich aber einer bestimmten Religion zugehörig zu fühlen:

According to scholarly opinion, "the great majority of China's population of 1.4 billion" takes part in Chinese cosmological religion, its rituals and festivals of the lunar calendar, without belonging to any institutional teaching.

80% üben irgendeine Form von chinesischer Volksreligion aus. 13-16% sind Buddhisten, 10% Taoisten, 2.5% Christen und 0.8 Muslime.

 80% of the population of China, which is more than a billion people, practice some kind of Chinese folk religion; 13–16% are Buddhists; 10% are Taoist; 2.53% are Christians; and 0.83% are Muslims. Folk religious movements of salvation constitute 2–3% to 13%

Und manche betrachten Konfuzianismus als Religion:

 many in the intellectual class adhere to Confucianism as a religious identity
