Was sind die Voraussetzungen um eine Host Familie zu sein um einen Au Pair aufzunehmen?

1 Antwort

Host families are required to:
  • Pay up to $500 toward the cost of the au pair’s required academic course work;
  • Provide an appropriate suitable private room;
  • Be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents fluent in spoken English;
  • Pay a weekly minimum stipend based on the program option selected;
  • Give the au pair one complete weekend off each month (Friday evening to Monday morning);
  • Facilitate the care provider’s requirement to enroll in and attend an accredited post-secondary institution to fulfill her Educational Component requirement;
  • Provide a minimum of two weeks paid vacation for each 12 month exchange term (prorated for extension periods of six or nine months), in addition to regular weekly/monthly time off;
  • Include the au pair whenever possible in family meals, outings, holidays and other events; and
  • Host families and Au Pairs must sign an Agreement detailing the au pair’s obligation to provide child care prior to the Au Pair’s placement in the host family’s home. In the event of questions regarding refunds or other adjustments, host families and au pairs should refer to their agreements. The Department of State does not have jurisdiction over contractual obligations.


Sie hätten gern eine Person, die auf ihre Kids aufpasst und bei ihnen wohnt.