Was bedeutet London Bridge Lied? Was ist das......?

2 Antworten

Man ist sich nicht sicher, was die Bedeutung hinter diesem Lied ist. Bis jetzt wurde nicht wirklich geklärt ob das Lied eine tiefere Bedeutung hat oder wer "My Fair Lady" ist.

The meaning of the rhyme is not certain. It may simply relate to the many difficulties experienced in bridging the River Thames, but a number of alternative theories have been put forward.

Es gibt allerdings viele Theorien, die dieses Lied betreffen:

Age and Damage Theory: Until the mid-eighteenth century the Old London Bridge was the only crossing on the Thames in London. It was damaged in a major fire in 1633, but in the fire of 1666 this damage acted as a fire break and prevented the flames from further damaging the bridge and crossing to the south side of the Thames. With its 19 narrow arches, it impeded river traffic and flow. Central piers were removed to create a wider navigational span. Widening and the removal of its houses was completed in 1763, but it remained relatively narrow and needed continual and expensive repairs. In the early nineteenth century it was decided to replace the bridge with a new construction. New London Bridge was opened in 1831 and survived until it was replaced in 1972. It was then transported and reconstructed in Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Es gibt durchaus grausamere Theorien, was mich zuerst sehr schockiert hat, das dies ein Kinderlied ist

Wenn du mehr über dieses Lied wissen willst: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Bridge_Is_Falling_Down