Warum wurde Hirohito nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg nicht entmachtet?

3 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Weil die Amerikaner im Gegensatz zu Deutschland bei ihrer Besatzung die japanische Staatsform nicht angetastet hatten.

Hirohito durfte Kaiser bleiben, musste aber darauf verzichten, als Gottheit verehrt zu werden.

 25.03.2024, 09:40

Danke für die Antwort.


As Dower further explains, official US policy as to whether to “reform the imperial institution or abolish it completely,” was undetermined, and hence Hirohito’s position “remained unresolved through the end of 1945.” Then Washington formally queried MacArthur about the emperor’s disposition, including his possible trial as a war criminal. Manifestly, had Washington believed it was constrained by any pledge to retain Hirohito on the throne, there would have been no basis to send such a message. Hirohito, incidentally, was not oblivious to the real possibility he might face war crimes, or at least be required to provide testimony. He carefully prepared a statement for these eventualities that would only be released after his death in 1989.

MacArthur’s reply on January 25, 1946, contained a whitewash of Hirohito’s war role supposedly based on a nonexistent investigation. This disingenuous cable really stemmed from MacArthur’s underlying plan, developed well before Japan’s surrender: he would use the emperor as a “wedge” to further US aims. The US stance would be that the militarists had betrayed the emperor and taken Japan into catastrophe. Now the emperor would step forward nobly to lead the people out of the catastrophe into peace—including implementing occupation reforms.

At the time MacArthur was preparing his formal reply on the disposition of the emperor, he also knew Japan was confronting a stupendous humanitarian crisis: the prospect of millions of famine deaths in 1946. This threatened to unleash perhaps uncontrollable civil disorder. To the extent the emperor could sanction measures to stave off famine and quell civil disorder, his retention at that point was obviously prudent. He did play a material role, but US shipments of food at MacArthur’s insistence are what prevented famine.

The Fate of Emperor Hirohito | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans (nationalww2museum.org)

Man nutzte seine Autorität um Japan ohne grössere Probleme verwalten zu können.

Es gab quasi eine historische Kontinuität, mit MacArthur als eine Art neuer Shogun.

Hirohito hatte im 2.weltkrieg weniger Macht als die Militärs Japans, Hirohito wurde in manchen Sachen garnicht eingeweiht, die eigentliche Macht hatten Generäle