Warum geht mir Englisch so auf den Sack?

2 Antworten

I'm so happy that I didn't give up when I was in the 6th grade. My teacher was awful and I've got fives and sixes. But then, another teacher came and I skyrocketed towards twos and ones. Today I'm fluent.

So kann es gehen. Bleib dran. English is beautiful.

 09.03.2024, 00:23

You didn't understand the core of the topic, right? This is not about lack of learning motivation but about the dislike of the use of existing knowledge ....
And you may call it fluently but I don't see sentence construction.. so thanks for nothing i guess ..


Englisch gielt schon seit mehreren Jahrhunderten als die Sprache der Narren.

Sie lässt das Hirn Wort wörtlich verkümmern.