Sony Vegas Pro 13 stürzt beim rendern ab!

4 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


versuche eine Systemwiederherstellung. Wenn das nichts bringt, installiere dein Programm neu.

LG Culles

Sony schreibt im Help Center:

For crashing during rendering:

If you are using MainConcept AVC/AAC or Sony AVC/MVC render templates, try rendering using the CPU only. To do this: Choose File > Render As and select your desired render template. Click the Customize Template button. At the bottom of the Custom Settings dialog, you will see a setting for “Encode Mode.” Set this to “Render using CPU only” to see if you can complete your render.

For crashing when opening the application:

• QuickTime may not properly be installed. Try uninstalling QuickTime and reinstalling from the following link:

• If NewBlue Titler Pro and NewBlue TitlerEX are both installed on the machine, please remove one of the installations via the Control Panel to resolve this crash.

• Some third-party copy protection may interfere with joystick support. If Vegas Pro 11 hangs when opening the splash screen, try this: 1. Remove USB HID dongles, copy-protection devices, joysticks, etc., until you can run the application. 2. In Preferences > General tab, clear the "Enable joystick support" check box (about 11 items down), click OK, and exit Vegas. 3. You should be able to plug in the devices again.

If these solutions do not fix your hang or crash, please send in a bug report. More information about how to do this can be found at this link.

Und hier noch eine Möglichkeit:

 26.02.2015, 16:43

Hat mir leider auch nicht geholfen... Trotzdem danke für die Antwort.


War bei mir auch mal, nach neu install ging aber alles wieder