Sheldon aus The Big Bang Theory

12 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Ich kenne fast alle Folgen und kann mich nur erinnern, dass des Öfteren Hochbegabung genannt wird. Der Verdacht auf Asperger Autismus taucht beim Publikum häufig auf, wird aber von den Sendungsmachern nicht unterstützt. Ich schätze, die wollen keine kritischen Mails von irgendwelchen Vereinen bekommen, nur weil beispielsweise Sheldon Leonard schlägt und irgendwelche Zuseher das mit Autismus in Verbindung bringen.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Zwangsstörung) wird auch manhcmal in Diskussionen erwähnt, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass dies in der Serie selbst auftauchte.

Hier übrigens ein Artikel zu Sheldon und AS:

Um ehrlich zu sein kam mir mein Asperger-Diagnostik-Test so vor, als ob dieser 100% an Sheldon Cooper maßgeschneidert war! Da habe ich mal vor langer Zeit etwas zu geschrieben.

Vielleicht hift das hier:

Though Sheldon has never been confirmed as having Asperger's syndrome, many of his traits and much of his behavior exemplifies it. These qualities include social ineptitude, a lack of empathy, obsessive–compulsive personality disorder, and many more traits which make him the most eccentric and bizarre of the characters in the show. Many of these traits are the reasons why Leonard finds him hard to live with and his friends find him so hard to be around. These include:

Mitosis: Howard jokingly believes Sheldon reproduces with mitosis.
Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder: Sheldon exhibits a strict adherence to routine, such as doing specific recreational activities on specific days of the week, going to the bathroom on a specific time every morning, eating specific food items on specific days, being unable to reconcile changes to food orders, doing laundry on a specific day and time (every Saturday night at 8:15), or knocking on the door a certain number of times while repeating the name of the person he is seeking with a particular frequency ("[knock knock knock] Penny [knock knock knock] Penny [knock knock knock] Penny" being the most common.) Amy Farrah Fowler notifies this to Sheldon as a symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and she finds he is in denial over it. Sheldon labels all home utensils, appliances, etc., including his label maker. He also makes loud noises (or musical notes with a xylophone) in every theater before a movie, attempting to locate the "acoustic sweet spot". However, he can adapt to seats with sub-optimal conditions, such as suitable cushion densities and light dispersion, provided he has the opportunity to test them.
Narcissistic personality disorder: Though not technically meeting all or enough requirements for a formal diagnosis, Sheldon constantly points out his superiority among his friends and belittles everyone all the time.
Mysophobia: He is constantly worried about others touching his food, washes his hands as often as he can, and showers twice daily. Leonard used his concerns for food to mock him in "The Einstein Approximation", as did Raj in "The Engagement Reaction". Penny has stated that he still has not learned to not to insult those who handle his food, to which Amy Farrah Fowler agrees.
Ornithophobia: Sheldon has had horrible experiences with birds in his past, which has led to ornithophobia (a fear of birds). When Sheldon was a toddler, a hummingbird, which he describes as the vampire of the flower world, dived down into his stroller and tried to get at his apple juice in his sippy cup. When he was seven, his neighbour's chicken got loose and chased him up the big elm tree in front of his house. When he was twelve, a magpie tried to take his retainer out of his mouth and when he was 16, a parrot in the pet store window called him "fat ass". He finally overcame this fear after he was forced to confront a black-throated magpie jay.
Hypochondriasis: He is extremely worried about becoming sick. He became worried about Penny infecting him with influenza and subsequently contracted it. Another time, he wanted a full medical examination by Leonard's girlfriend, Dr. Stephanie Barnett, in order to discover the cause of a high-pitched noise in his head. When Howard's mother is sent to the hospital, Sheldon refuses to go due to exposure to pathogens and germs, until Penny confronts him. Though, he accidentally wanders into a biohazard room at the hospital, after fearing the restroom's cleanliness, and endures a two-week quarantine. Sheldon showers twice a day and washes his hands as often as he can. In addition, Sheldon has a red toothbrush that is kept in a Plexiglass case under a UV lamp.
Inability to lie: When Sheldon is complicit in a lie, he exhausts all of his efforts in his almost always unsuccessful attempt to make it believable. Similarly, he cannot be entrusted with a secret because he develops nervous tics. However, it is easier for him to lie if he has prior knowledge of the deception or an "ironclad alibi" thought out in advance, as opposed to it being "impromptu dishonesty".
Intolerance of people in his bedroom. One time, he was distraught when Penny entered his room in the middle of the night. On another occasion, Sheldon hesitantly let Penny in his bedroom to get a key for his desk to retrieve a USB flashdrive, constantly reminding her that, far from creating a permanent easement, it was only one-time permission.
Stage fright: While perfectly comfortable speaking to small groups, Sheldon cannot speak to crowds deemed large enough to trample him (36 adults or 70 children) without having a panic attack. 

Es kommen also eine ganze Menge "Zeugs" zusammen. ^^

verreisterNutzer  05.02.2012, 13:37

Desweitern muss man sagen, dass Sheldon in der Serie NIE wirklich diagnostiziert worden ist.

Man weiß nur, dass seine Mutter ihn darauf getestet hat, dass er NICHT "verrückt" (Schizophrenie?) ist.


Es wird von vielen Zuschauern durchaus Asperger-Autismus bei der Figur Sheldon Cooper vermutet.
Die Macher der Serie lassen dies meines Wissens jedoch bewusst offen.

Ja, es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Sheldon irgendwie autistisch ist. Jedoch gibt der Sender es nicht zu, da eine Vielzahl der Gags ja darauf basiert, dass die Zuschauer ihn "auslachen", über seine "Abnormalität" lachen. Es wird wohl so gemacht, damit die Zuschauer nachdenken, aber sich keiner beschweren kann.

ich glaube du meinst ganz einfach, ob sich die produzenten noch etwas besonderes dabei gedacht haben, als sie den charackter erschaffen haben, wie er ist. also ob die sich dabei dachten, das er eine bestimmte krankheit haben soll.. etc, oder?:)

 05.02.2012, 03:21

ja genau das mein ich (z.B. wie Monk Zwangsstörungen und wwi noch alles hat)