Schreibe einen Text über die Sommerferien in Englisch mit 15 Sätzen?

ZaoDaDong  12.05.2023, 12:03

Was ist deine Frage?

 12.05.2023, 12:06

Ich brauche hilfe bei 15 Sätzen Sommer ferien aber in Englisch

Mugua  12.05.2023, 12:05

Wieso sollten wir das tun? Und was ist deine Frage?

 12.05.2023, 12:28

hat sich schon erledight

2 Antworten


Okay ich weine ich bin erst 11

Nee, das muss jetzt nicht sein 😊

Viele von uns im Sprachenbereich wissen einfach, dass man nichts lernt, wenn man sich mit fremden Federn schmückt.
Du kannst aber immer gerne deine Texte/Sätze hier reintippen, und es findet sich immer jemand, der sie dir korrigiert - falls es etwas zu korrigieren gibt.
Fragen kannst du natürlich auch stellen - ohne Ende.

Und jetzt: Herzlich willkommen hier 🌼

Summer holidays are a great time for students to take a break from their studies and enjoy some much-needed rest and relaxation. For many people, the summer is a time to travel and explore new places. Some people like to visit family and friends, while others prefer to go on adventures to new countries and experience different cultures.

One of the best things about summer holidays is the opportunity to spend time outdoors. Whether it's at the beach, in the mountains, or simply in a local park, the warm weather and long days provide plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, and picnicking.

Another popular activity during the summer months is camping. There's nothing quite like spending a few days in nature, sleeping under the stars, and roasting marshmallows around the campfire.

For those who prefer a more urban experience, cities around the world offer a plethora of cultural experiences during the summer. From museums and art galleries to concerts and festivals, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

For students, the summer holidays are also an ideal time to work and save up some money for the upcoming academic year. Many students take on summer jobs to earn extra cash, gain valuable work experience, and develop important skills.

Finally, the summer holidays are a time to recharge and rejuvenate before the start of a new school year. It's important to take some time for self-care, whether it's by reading a good book, practicing yoga, or simply spending time with loved ones.

In conclusion, summer holidays offer a variety of opportunities for rest, adventure, and personal growth. Whether you choose to travel, work, or simply relax, there's no denying that the summer months provide a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life.

xxXScarfaceXxx  12.05.2023, 12:07

Auf diese Frage hast du dein Leben lang gewartet😄👍

adabei  12.05.2023, 12:40

Kein Lehrer wird dem Fragesteller das sbkaufen!