Referat Englisch Gymansium

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Ich bin keine Englisch Lehrerin, habe Englisch aber als Leistungskurs in der 11ten Klasse und habe mal ein paar Fehler verbessert.

The statue of Liberty is 102 meters high and 250 tones heavy. It represents the roman goddess of freedom. The statue is wearing a crown with seven rays and 25 windows. The seven rays symbolize the seven oceans and the 25 windows symbolize the 25 gemstones. She holds a stone tablet with a date on in her left hand and In her right hand is a torch. Under her left foot there are chains which symbolize slavery. The statue of liberty is a present from France for 100 years independence and a living symbol of freedom to millions of people around the world. The Statue is also called Lady Liberty and is the most famous landmark of New York. Lady Liberty stands in the middle of New York and can be reached only by boat. 22 stories have to be climbed, because the elevator can only take you to the 10th story.

 30.10.2014, 17:52

vielen Dank für die hilfreiche Antwort:D


The statue of Liberty is 102 meters (= AE; BE = metres) high and 250 tones (schwer). It represents the roman goddess of freedom. The statue is wearing (Zeit) a crown with seven rays (besser: spikes) and 25 windows. The seven rays symbolize the seven oceans and the 25 windows symbolize the 25 gemstones. In the left hand she holds a stone tablet on which a date is. In the right hand Hier fehlt etwas. is a torch. Under her left food there ate chains which symbolize (---) slavery.

The statue of liberty is (Zeit) a present from France for 100 years Hier fehlt eine Präposition. independence and Hier fehlt ein Verb. a living symbol of freedom to millions people around the world.

The Statue is also called Lady Liberty and it’s the most famous landmark of New York. Lady Liberty stands in the middle of New York and can be reached only by boat.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und


 30.10.2014, 17:51

vielen dank hatt mir sehr geholfen:D