Präsentation über buckingham palace?

5 Antworten

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Du kannst noch über die Räume oder den Garten schreiben der Queen. Ich hab noch das von meiner Präsentation allerdings sind das keine 5 minuten trz hier ist der Text

Buckingham Palace

The Buckingham palace is the home of the Kings and Queens.Now Queen
Elizabeth II is living there. The Buckingham palace have over 600 rooms,
a cinema, an own post office, a swimmingpool and a very big garden..
For a long time only special persons could go into the palace. But
since the 7. August 1993 it has been allowed to visit some rooms in the
palace. In October you can visit the “ Royal Mews”. This is the place
where the coaches stand.


John Sheffield built the Buckingham palace in the 18. century.

But in this time the Buckingham palace was a normal cityhouse and his
name was “Buckingham House”. In 1761 the “Buckingham House” changed his
owner. King Georg III bought the house for his wife Charlotte. The house
was only for holidays. But after some weeks the “Buckingham House” was
only called the “Queen´s House”. After the changing from the owners the
house was going tobe bigger and bigger. Georg IV, the son from Georg
III, wanted to create a palace from a simple house.He needed more time
than he thought and so his youger brother, William IV, had to finish the
work. But he didn´t live there. The first Queen who lived in the palace
was Queen Victoria. It was in 1837. But she thought that the palace was
too small and so she also made it bigger. Now it’s a very big palace
and it is called the “BUCKINGHAM PALACE”.

AlyshaMarie  18.09.2016, 18:05

The Queen's Garden at Buckingham Palace

The garden at Buckingham Palace,the

official London residence and working headquarters of the British
monarch, is a 39-acre walled oasis in the middle of the city and its
largest private garden. Called the Queen’s garden, it is where Queen
Elizabeth II holds her summer garden parties. The central feature of the
garden is a three-acre lake created in the 19th century. Other
highlights include a 156-meter herbaceous border, the wisteria-clad
summerhouse, the rose garden, and one of Britain’s biggest garden
ornaments — a 15-foot Waterloo Vase carved from a single piece of marble
weighing an estimated 20 tons. It also includes the palace tennis
court, where King George VI played Wimbledon champion Fred Perry in the
1930s. Timing and a little bit of luck are needed to see this garden. It
is only open for tours in April, May and June and then only when the
queen is not in residence. Tours are limited to 25 visitors.

Hier ist das vom Garten


Vielleicht was über den Bau oder du lässt noch was über die Royals einfliesen. Gibt eine Story wo ein Mann dort eingebrochen ist, vielleicht auch noch ganz interresant ;-)


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