Party Songs?
Kennt ihr gute Party Songs, die guten Bass haben, und ganz gut zu so Trinkspielen passen?
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Schreibt einfach den Titel und den Interpreten rein
3 Antworten
Die Ärzte - Atzin
Trailerpark - Bleib in der Schule
Bru C - you and I
Stromae - alors on danse
Kam immer gut an.
"Trinken ist auch Sport"
"Auffe aufn Berg"
"Der Zug hat keine Bremse"
Meine Top 3, vor allem in Österreich aufn Bergen haben die Songs mit meinem Freundne richtig geballert ;-)
Mfg Weißbrot
Als Trinkspiel könntest Du von Manowar den Song "Hail and Kill" verwenden und jedes mal wenn entweder das Wort hail oder das Wort kill kommt muss ein Schnaps getrunken werden. Jeder der den ersten Refrain überlebt hat irgendwie gewonnen. Spätestens beim zweiten Refrain sind alle Teilnehmer tot...
Hier noch der Text, damit Du ausrechnen kannst, wieviel Schnaps Du kaufen musst...
Brothers, I am calling
From the valley of the kings
With nothing to atone
A dark march lies ahead
Together we will ride
Like thunder from the sky
May your sword stay wet
Like a young girl in her prime
Hold your hammers high
Blood and death are waiting
Like a raven in the sky
I was born to die
Hear me while I live
As I look into your eyes
None shall hear a lie
Power and dominion
Are taken by the will
By divine right, hail and kill
Hail and kill
(Hail, hail, hail and kill)
Hail and kill
My father was a wolf
I'm a kinsman of the slain
Sworn to rise again
I will bring salvation
Punishment and pain
The hammer of hate is our faith
Power and dominion
Are taken by the will
By divine right, hail and kill (and kill)
Hail and kill
(Hail, hail, hail and kill)
Hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill
Hail, hail, hail and kill (yeah)
Rip their flesh, burn their hearts
Stab them in the eyes
Rape their women as they cry, ha-ha-ha
Kill their servants, burn their homes
'Til there's no blood left to spill
Hail and kill
Power and dominion
Are taken by the will
By divine right, hail and kill
Hail and kill
(Hail, hail, hail and kill)
Hail and kill
Hail and kill, hail and kill
(Hail, hail, hail and kill)
Hail and kill, hail and kill
Hail and kill
(Hail, hail, hail and kill)
Hail and kill, hail and kill