Nikloaus - Spruch auf Englisch

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Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

In England feiert man "den Nikolaus" eigentlich garnicht. Man kennt ihn da auch garnicht richtig :D Und ein Spruch fällt mir jetzt auch nicht ein, nur ein Lied :D

Nicholas, St. Nicholas, come to us today, Ride upon your white horse from far, far away.

Bring us golden treasure, Fill our hearts with love, Ready for the Christ Child coming from above.

Nicholas, St. Nicholas, come to us today, Ride upon your white horse from far, far away.

The Christmas Present

I heard a knock on my door one Christmas Eve;

as I looked out my window, a man I could see;

he was cold and seemed so lonely and upon a bended knee.

He asked, "Can you spare anything for me to eat . . . ?"

I opened up the door and as I helped him in,

he looked up at me with such a peaceful grin.

As he drank down some coffee and had a bite to eat,

I put more wood on the fire so he could warm his feet. . . .

Over there by the fireplace he warmed his tired hands.

I wonder where did he come from, this quiet, white haired man?

But I wasn't at all afraid of his peaceful ways, you see,

this man dressed in poor, almost as poor as me. . . .

As he left, he turned and thanked me for all I had done,

but he forgot to take his gloves, so out the door I run.

He was gone in the blizzard and I couldn't hardly see,

so I took his ole gloves back to the house with me. . . .

Just a little after midnight, I awoke in the dark;

there wasn't a bit of fire, just glowing cinders-a little spark,

and where I'd placed his gloves by my little Christmas tree,

there laid a brand new pair, and a Christmas Card for me.

And it read. . . .

You gave me shelter and food to keep me warm;

you even tried to bring me my old gloves in the storm,

so here's you a new pair,. . . the finest ever seen . . .

As an angel of the Lord,

I'll be sure to tell the King. . . .

Merry Christmas . . .

A good time is coming, I wish it were here, The very best time in the whole of the year;

I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs- The weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.

Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down, And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,

I'll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs, For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.

Santa Claus

He comes in the night! He comes in the night! He softly, silently comes,

While the little brown heads on the pillows so white Are dreaming of bugles and drums.

He cuts thro' the snow like a ship thro' the foam, While the white flakes 'round him whirl.

Who tells him I know not, but he findeth the home Of each good little boy and girl.

His sleigh it is long, and deep, and wide; It will carry a host of things,

While dozens of drums hang over the side, With the sticks sticking under the strings.

And yet not the sound of a drum is heard, Not a bugle blast is blown,

As he mounts to the chimney-top like a bird, And drops to the hearth like stone.

The little red stockings he silently fills, Till the stockings will hold no more;

The bright little sleds for the great snow hills Are quickly set down on the floor.

Then Santa Claus mounts to the roof like a bird, And glides to his seat in the sleigh;

Not the sound of a bugle or drum is heard As he noiselessly gallops away.

user1229  06.12.2010, 16:31

Santa Claus und St. Nicholas sind aber verschiede Personen und Feiertage :P :D