Mein Traumhaus

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Try this: My dream house is located in the countryside and has a huge yard with many lovely trees. It consists of a big living room, five bedrooms with walk-in closets, a lovely dining room with an elegant old oak dining table. The walls are decorated with pastel colours and the soft rugs are blue. There are many plants in my dream home, many roses and orchids. The spacious kitchen is full of modern appliances like a stove, microwave, coffeemaker, popcorn maker, etc. Outside there are two oak trees and a cherry tree. My two scotch terriers are running around everywhere. Hilft das?

 27.05.2010, 15:39

Boah, das ist toll, danke!

casamaria  27.05.2010, 19:33

super, DH, TradyMouse! Du bist mir zuvorgekommen und ich werde noch etwas dazufügen, wenn ich darf: When I walk down to the river, there is a canoe waiting for me to go on trips for hours in silence amidst nature.


zb. my dream house is in ... . it has ... square meters and its ... meters high. in the living room is a big tv and a green sofa. in my room, there is a orange bed and a ... kleiderschrank . it has a pink (oder was auch immer ) wall and a black floor. in the garden is a ... und sowas. ich hoffe ich konnte helfen

TradyMouse  27.05.2010, 15:37

Some small corrections it's... meters high. ...there is a big there is an orange...and a there is..