Korekturlesen für mein Englisches Referat über New Delhi :)?!

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Aaalso ich denke bei it was planed by nicht british sondern by Britain also nicht das Land sondern die Menschen also Briten nennt man so Und anstatt New York hast du new your geschrieben keine Ahnung ob das jetzt vom Handy aus war.. Und bei pls don't hesitate ich finde es klingt etwas zu förmlich du könntest auch zb sagen feel free to ask me something oder so . Kannst es auch so stehen lassen :)

 24.02.2015, 21:14

danke schön :D. Für den schluss hast du mir auch die neue Vokabel erspart supi XD.

Hi everybody.

Today I’m here to talk to you about New Delhi. My presentation is divided into 3 parts. Ill start with some general information’s (Plural s wird nie mit Apostroph abgetrennt; außerdem gibt es das Wort information nicht im Plural) about the city.

Then I’ll look at the history and finally I’ll talk about a few important sights. I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have at the end. (Diesen Satz solltest du umformulieren.)

I’d just like to give you some background information’s (s.o.) now. The capital city “New-Delhi” is located in the north of India and Hier fehlt etwas. a very young City, founded in 1911. With about 17 Million Peoples (= Völker; Menschen = people), Delhi counts to the second biggest Cities in India after Mumbai. It’s very hot in Delhi. The average temperature is around 25 degrees Komma but in the summer it goes up to 45 degrees. The combination of temperature and (---) emissions caused by the mass of (---**) people is very badly. There is often smog alert in the summer months. New Delhi is 50% bigger than Berlin and at one square kilometre lives 6000 Peoples (s.o.).

In Berlin Hier fehlt etwas. live only 4000 people per square kilometre. Delhi is divided into 2 parts. “Old”- and New Delhi. As it implies, New Delhi is newer than “old” Delhi. (I make

this signs just because “Old” Delhi isn’t the real name. It only means Delhi and New Delhi) New Delhi was planned and built by the British.

AND (kein Satzanfang) THIS leads me to my next point Komma which is the history of Delhi. As you maybe know, India was, in the very beginning of the 20th Century, a colony of Great Britain. In the past, the King of Britain “Georg the 5th” and the Emperor of India decided the relocation of the capital from Calcutta to Delhi but there lacked the government district. So they built it and named it “New Delhi”.

Today Komma Delhi and New Delhi are so big kein Komma that they’re the same town. New Delhi is compered (RS) to Delhi very Geometric built

kein Komma like New Your. So there aren’t so many traffic. In addition to the new government buildings, were sights build (RS), (Word Order) which you have to see when you’ll (Zeit) be there.

In New Delhi Komma you can find a large number of excellent museums for history, art and crafts. There’re many historic buildings as well as the Jantar Mantar observatory.

(Show them (Wem?) the pictures on your Placate).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Well Komma that's it from me. Thank you (---) for listening; it was a pleasure to talk to you.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de.

Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Präsentationen findest du hier: ego4u.de/de/cram


 24.02.2015, 22:03

Hö, was bedeutet RS? bei manchem weis ich nicht was ich verbessern muss bzw wie :o?