Kann mir bitte jemand meinen Englisch text verbessern?

3 Antworten

... andnot many people can afford to buy it evera day.

... 1 or 3 (würde ich auch umformulieren, z.B. 2 or 3 o. ä., da 1 o. 3 etwas komisch klingt) times a week...

...  Eating those products can (würde ich so machen) damage your body.

Stop buying all potentially bad food (würde ich auch lieber so schreiben), and save the money for some healthy food.

Besides eating a lot of organic food (würde ich so formulieren), it is important to know how much we should eat.

..., for example eating a lot of meat...

Or eating too much cheese will potentially (muss man ja nicht unbedingt) make you fat. (Also you im sinne von ,,man" also in diesem fall: Oder zu viel Käse zu essen, maacht einen möglicherweise fett.)

A healthy diet includes eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

In summer it is also often very hot, and the body needs liquids to survive.

...sport is needed to maintain (würde ich sagen, weil es schöner klingt, wobei das auf den sinn ankommt, have ist auch richtig) a healthy lifestyle.

20 minutes (hast du hier wahrscheinlich nur abgekürzt)

...going to/visiting the gym...

Going cycling with friends or your family...

Finally, it can be said that for a healthy lifestyle it is important to do sports, to have motivation, and eating healthy.

Ich habe vielleicht nicht alle Fehler korrigiert, da ich für das hier nicht viel Zeit hatte. Und bei dem, was ich geschrieben habe, könnten auch Fehler enthalten sein, da ich das in etwas Eile geschrieben habe.

Hoffe ich konnte helfen.


lost2000  12.07.2016, 21:47

Or eating too much cheese will potentially (muss der Käse ja nicht unbedingt*)

Wollte ich nur mal schnell korrigieren, um den ganzen Text zu korrigieren habenich keine Zeit :)


This report aims to (Präposition) illustrate (Grammatik) what it takes to have a healthy lifestyle.

Organic food:

The first step to a healthy lifestyle is to eat Organic (RS) food. At
supermarkets Organic (s.o.) food is very expensive and not many people can afford (---) to buy it every day. There is no need to eat like this every
day but once (= 1 Mal; twice / 2 times = 2 Mal; x times = x Mal) or 3 times a week will help you to stay healthy.
Otherwise in normal food there is a lot of chemicals (Satzstellung; Verb-Subjekt-Bezug). Eating those products damage your body. Stop buying all (Wort) bad food and save the money
for (Ausdruck)
some healthy food. It makes you feel better and healthier.

A healthy diet:

Beside (Wort) eating much organic food (Komma) it is important to know how many (Wort) should we (Pronomen) eat (Satzstellung). Even ( Hier fehlt etwas.) your food is very healthy and with no (Wort) chemicals, eating (Komma) for example (Komma) a lot of meat is not the right way. Or eating to (RS; Grammatik) much cheese will make people fat. A healthy diet include (Verb-Subjekt-Bezug) to eat (Grammatik) a lot of
veetables (RS) and fruits (= Früchte; fruit = Obst). Furthermore , it is also helpful to drink a lot.
In summer (Komma) there (Wort) is often very hot and the body need (Grammatik) liquids to survive.

Keeping fit:

It is also a fact that sport is needed to have a healthy lifestyle.
It is simple enough to run 20 min (RS) to keep (---) fit. Of course (Komma) going (---) to the gym or doing intensive (Wort) sport is better. Going cycle (Ausdruck) with friends (Hier fehlt etwas.) your family is good for all (Wort).


Finally , it can be said that for a healthy lifestyle it is important to have motivation and to do sport and eating (Grammatik) healthy.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

lost2000  12.07.2016, 21:03

AstridDerPu, ich habe mal eine Frage an dich.

Wie bist du so gut in Englisch geworden?

lost2000  12.07.2016, 21:32


Was machen Sie?

Sind Sie Englischprofessor, Lehrer oder Dolmetcher?

Interessiert mich mal.


lost2000  12.07.2016, 21:42

Ich spamme Sie gerade ein bisschen zu, ich weiß, aber Sie brauchen nicht antworten, habe Sie recherchiert, jetzt weiß ich, weshalb ihr Englisch so gut ist. :)




Healthy LifestyleThis report (wants) to illustrate what it takes to have a healthy lifestyle.Organic food:The first step to a healthy lifestyle is to eat Organic food. At supermarkets Organic food is very expensive and not many people can afford (phne it!) to buy it every day. There is no need to eat (ohne like) this every day but 1 or 3 times (ohne in) (a) week will help you to stay healthy. Otherwise in normal food there is a lot of chemicals. Eating those products damages (he she it) your body. Stop buying (ohne all) bad food and save (ohne the) money for some healthy food. It makes you feel better and healthier.A healthy diet:Beside eating much organic food it is important to know how (much) we <-> should eat. Even (if) your food is very healthy and (without) chemicals ,eating for example a lot of meat is not the right way. Or eating to much cheese will make people fat. A healthy diet include(s) to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Furthermore , it is also helpful to drink a lot. In summer (it is) often very hot and the body need(s) liquids to survive.Keeping fit:It is also a fact that sport is (important / hört sich hier besser an find ich) to have a healthy lifestyle. It is simple enough to run 20 min to keep yourself fit. Of course going (in) the gym or doing intensive sport is better. Go (cycling) with friends your family is good for all.Conclusion:Finally , it can be said that for a healthy lifestyle it is important to have motivation and to do sport(s) and eat! healthy.

In Klammern sind die Fehler, die ich gefunden hab:)

Pokentier  12.07.2016, 20:09

Wants to illustrate? Aim ist schon in Ordnung, alternativ geht auch "is supposed to".

nomorewar7  12.07.2016, 21:06

Ohooo okay, im Englischtest damals wurde es mir komischerweise nicht angestrichen und ich hatte E im leistungskurs und hatte eine 2, aber ok