Jewelry oder Jewellery?

3 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

Hallihallo 🙋🏻‍♀️,

💎 👩 💎💍 👩🏻 💎 💍 💎

The most commonly used variations of this noun,

meaning precious items of personal decoration,

are jewellery and jewelry. 

The correct spelling in Australia and Britain is 'jewellery'. 

In American English, the correct spelling is 'jewelry'.


What Is the Difference between "Jewelry" and "Jewellery"?

Writers in the UK are often unsure whether to write

"jewelry" or "jewellery." US writers do not have the

same issue. They go for "jewelry" immediately.

  • "Jewelry" is the American spelling.
  • The President received numerous expensive gifts, including sculptures, paintings, and jewelry.  ()
  • "Jewellery" is the non-American spelling.
  • The Queen received numerous expensive gifts, including sculptures, paintings, and jewellery.  ()
More about "Jewelry" and "Jewellery"

Writers are often unsure whether to use "jewelry"

or "jewellery" when referring to decorative,

usually valuable, personal ornaments.

"Jewelry" is the preferred spelling in American

English, while

"jewellery" is the preferred spelling in British English.



Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Goldschmiedin

Frageritikum  26.11.2022, 00:33

Vielen Dank 🙏 für den ⭐️LG 🙋🏻‍♀️✌️

Von Experte tommgrinn bestätigt

Ja und ja. Jewelry ist US-amerikanisches Englisch, jewellery ist britisches Englisch.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Ich interessiere mich für Schmuckherstellung und Edelsteine.

google gibts auch. jewelry

 17.10.2022, 16:43

Ja habe ich schon, aber da ist beides vorhanden. Welches ist jetzt richtig?