Is Great Britain rather tradition-bound or forward-looking?

2 Antworten


(1) The monarchy is the best example for this. In theory the King/ Queen has no political power but in practise, what the Monarch wants - happens.

(2) The elections to the House of Commons is by the "first past the post" system and not proportional representation. (Keine Verhältniswahl)

(3) Brexit is a prime example of traditional-bound. The Brexiteers long for the return of the old British Empire. Their main topic of conversation is how good it will be to do business with Canada, New Zealand and Australia again and not have to be in the same political system as the French (whom they despise) or the Germans (whose industrial might they fear).


(1) The majority of members of parliament are very positive in their attitude to the EU. They want to stay in the EU but the parliamentary discipline is so strong that they are very careful not to be classed as rebels and so they keep quiet.

Versuche die beiden letzten Argumente selbst zu entfalten. Wenn das nicht klappt, schreibe an mich.

 17.11.2018, 15:13

Hey, hat mir schon sehr geholfen, aber hättest du vielleicht noch 2 weitere Argumente für tradition-bound. Ich hab selbst recherchiert, aber einfach nichts gefunden.

Danke im Voraus!

stalen  17.11.2018, 16:13

To find other examples which show how tradition-bound the UK is one only has to visit the Tower of London to find that the guards there wear uniforms with the same design as they had 400 years ago . And they are called the Beefeaters!!! One has a similar example when one looks at the Army pensioners in Chelsea They also wear uniforms but they were designed nearly 200 years ago.

And finally: One has only to look at the military parades which the Brits put on at the drop of a hat. Nobody does Military parades better - you have the cavalry, then the Guards in their scarlet uniforms and Bearskins marching , the bands etc etc

 17.11.2018, 20:04

Sryy, ich habe mich vertan... Ich brauche weitere Argumente für forward-looking. Tut mir echt leid. Aber wäre wirklich nett, wenn du helfen könntest

stalen  18.11.2018, 19:36


(1) Man könnte BREXIT sowohl für Forward - wie auch Traditional bound verwenden. Here goes: Brexit shows that most of Britain is forward looking. The Brits realized before anybody else that the EU was firstly, a tree on which money grew for politicians to make themselves rich.One has only to look at the expenses which they can claim. They can claim up to €5,000 a month in expenses without producing a single receipt!!! Secondly the EU is not elected by anybody. Jean-Claude Juncker , who is in charge of the commission was appointed NOT elected - tet he is the leader of the EU. In other words , the EU is anti-democratic and the Brits want OUT. If that isn't forward looking then I am a banana.

Ich bin der Meinung, dass du das dritte Argument selbst schreibst.Darüber wirst du ein bisschen denken müssen, aber das schmerzt nur wenig und man behauptet, dass der Schaden der von zu vielem Denken angerichtet wird, nicht von ewiger Natur sei.


Das Rückwärtsgewandsein das bezieht sich allenfalls auf Zerimoniell.

Nur rein zerimoniell ist Königin Elisabeth noch Herrscherin von Kanada und entsprechend auf Banknoten abgedruckt. Nur rein praktisch wissen sogar die Traditionalisten das sowas in der modernen Gesellschaft nichts verloren hat. nur aus Tradition hält man noch ana lten Regeln fest.

Selbiges gilt für die monarchie als ganzes.