Irland (Dublin) 1980?

2 Antworten

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Bei solchen historischen Fragen benutze ich gern die Wikipedia, um einen Einstieg und Quellenhinweise zu finden.

Hier gibt es Einzelheiten über die 70er und 80er Jahre im Nordirlandkonflikt:

Vielleicht ist das für Dich interessant:

Global economic problems in the 1970s, augmented by a set of misjudged economic policies followed by governments, including that of Taoiseach Jack Lynch, caused the Irish economy to stagnate. The Troubles in Northern Ireland discouraged foreign investment. (Abschnitt: Free State and Republic (1922–present))

The period of economic crisis of the late 1970s provoked a new economic crisis in Ireland that would endure throughout the 1980s. Fianna Fáil, back in power after the 1977 election, tried to reactivate the economy by increasing public spending, which by 1981 amounted to 65% of Irish GNP. Irish national debt in 1980 was £7 billion or 81% of GNP. By 1986, it was over £23 billion – 142% of Irish GNP.[44]
This massive public debt hindered Irish economic performance throughout the 1980s. The governments of Charles Haughey (Fianna Fáil) and Garret FitzGerald (Fine Gael/Labour) borrowed even more, and income tax rates went up to between 35% and 60% of wage earners' income. The combination of high taxes and high unemployment caused emigration to pick up again, with up to 40,000 leaving the country each year in that decade. Power alternated between the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, with some governments not even lasting a year, and in one case, three elections in a period of 18 months. (Abschnitt: Economic, political and social history, 1945–1998)

Zu der weltweiten ökonomischen Krise, von der hier die Rede ist, führten mehrere Ölpreiskrisen: