Ich liebe das Turnen wie die Sportakrobatik dafür suche ich guuute sprüche!

1 Antwort


Ich kenne 3 schöne Sprüche, allerdings sind zwei davon auf Englisch. 

1. Zum Erfolg gibt es keinen Aufzug, man muss Stufe für Stufe selbst erklimmen. 

2. You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. (Laura Halford) 

3. I'm doing acrobatic gymnastics my whole life. It's not just girls in the air doing "cool" stuff. It's being able to do things most people can only dream of doing. It's never having time to do anything else. It's using chalk more than soap. It's not being able to understand how some people can't touch their toes. It's never using the words "can't" and "impossible". It's a lifestyle that you keep living even when every joint in your body is aching. It's not just a sport - it's my life. 

Ich hoffe dir gefallen die:) 

LG Patricia