Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit folgenden Vermietern auf Mallorca: Andrew Lunn und Lynn Lunn?

3 Antworten

Do not give this man any money !!

I booked a villa with Andrew in Santa Ponsa, 6 persons, August 13th 2016 for 10 nights and paid € 1,700 deposit. I was told, on arrival, via email, did our villa which no longer available.

We arrived late in the night with three young children and what Andrew IGNORING my calls and emails so I could not find out what had happened. We had nowhere to stay. Luckily I found an apartment nearby for my family and subsequently (luckily) managed to find alternative to rental for the rest of my vacation. Still no word from Andrew.

He then Agreed to pay me back my money and it has been a big big struggle ever since. He paid me back € 1,000 in cash - but this what only Because He had mistakingly given me his address in previous correspondence (I was looking for references as I had my doubts before we traveled and he shared some emails from other guests) - so I knew where he lived. I collected the cash at his home and his promised to pay the remaining £ 650 but since then he has not paid me back in full. He is a con man. He is not to be trusted. They have two properties on Air BnB (and thesis are legitimate).


His phone number is: 


Home address: 

Ca Na Sili
MA 2030

I know where his home is on a map if you need it.


Happy to answer any more questions if you need me to.

London, UK

Tillywarner  13.11.2018, 19:57

Hi dan, I have some information for you if you could email me I would love to hear your story as I have built a case

titho030  21.09.2016, 18:13

Hello Dan, 

At least you got 1000 € back from your deposit of 1700 €. We got today 300 € back of 1800 € deposit we paid in September 2015...yes 2015...


Andrew Lunn hat im September 2015 eine Finca vermietet, die wir (14 Personen, davon 2 Kleinstkinder) buchten. Eine Anzahlung von 1800 € ist erfolgt. 36 Stunden vor unserem gemeinsamen Abflug nach Mallorca informierte uns Andrew Lunn, dass die Finca unbewohnbar sein würde. Flüge und Mietfahrzeuge waren allesamt vorab bezahlt gewesen. Als wir es schafften, doch noch kurzfristig eine andere Finca mit entsprechenden Mehrkosten zu finden, konnte uns Andrew Lunn die angezahlten 1800 € nicht zurückzahlen. Seine Ausreden sind diesbezüglich vielfältigst. Bis heute hat er nichts zurückgezahlt.

In Mallorca suchten wir die Finca-Eigentümer auf, deren Finca wir ursprünglich gebucht hatten. Sie erzählten uns, dass sie nicht vorhatten im Jahr 2016 ihre Finca zu vermieten. Als wir sie mit ihrer Unterschrift auf dem Buchungsvertrag konfrontierten, erklärten sie, dass dies nicht ihre Unterschrift sei und bestätigten uns dies mit gezeigten Unterschriftsproben. Nach Aussagen der Finca-Besitz soll es sich bei Andrew Lunn um einen "shitty gangster" handeln.

Randomranger  21.09.2016, 17:20

Andrew Lunn as just this moment messaged me to say you've received a part payment. Is this true?



Hello Dan, 

at least you got 1000 € back from your deposit of 1700 €. We got today 300 € back of 1800 € deposit we paid in September 2015...yes 2015...

Dan could you plaese describe where you planned to stay in Santa Ponsa. What was the address. And how did you find Andrew and his proposal for the finca . . . . 

Randomranger  22.09.2016, 16:44

We saw the ad for our villa on Air Bnb but Andrew didnt want us to book via the website and wanted us to book direct with him. Sorry, but I do not have the full address (it was a 3 bed villa with pool that backed onto a golf course) near port Adriano.

Andrew wanted payment via TransferWise, so we did. This was the deposit. Then he wanted the full payment before our arrival but I said no, and that I would pay upon arrival. He reluctantly agreed. I'm VERY glad I made that decision now.

I would love to know more about your case / situation. Are you able to email me some more details (if you dont mind) via dan.rutherford.1979@gmail.com - as I'm building a case against Andrew and it would be great to demonstrate how this has happened more than once.
