Gruselgeschichten Ideen?

3 Antworten

Gib mal Creepypasta ein auf Google. Vor allem Geschichten wie Mr.Mix oder die verlorene Spongebobfolge sind creepy as hell.

burpie  29.10.2020, 19:26

Jau, die Spongebobfolge ist legendär!


Mach irgendwas mit Spiegeln und Gestalten die darin auftauchen. Das ist creepy

Na gut, ich spendiere gleich zwei Ideen:

The stew I was eating was delicious, and I wanted to give my husband a taste. That’s when I found his wedding ring in my bowl, still on his finger.

After struggeling desperately to move any part of his paralytic body just to alert the doctors that he was conscious before they made the first incision, he was relieved to see that one of the nurses had noticed his pupils dilating from the bright light. She lend in close and in awhisper that tickled his ear said „You think, we don‘t know you‘re awake?“