Englisch Charakterisierung Beispiel?!

2 Antworten


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How to write a characterization

A characterization is a description of all the features that make up a personality and its development. One can distinguish between two main methods:

• direct (explicit) characterization: the reader is told about a character’s personality directly by the author, by another character or by the character him/herself

• indirect (implicit) characterization: the reader is expected to draw conclusions about a character by studying his/her behaviour, opinions, choice of words and/or way of talking

Before you start working on your characterization find out how the character’s personality is revealed in the text. Possibilities:

• through the narrator’s description of his/her outward appearance

• through direct comments on his/her character

• by what he/she does, says or thinks

• by showing what other people think or say about him/her

Then collect the facts from the text and draw your conclusions about the person’s character! Look for…

• name, age, figure, clothes, height, sex

• language, nationality, general impression

• social background, family, kind of friends, profession

• what he/she does and says

• his/her behaviour (e.g. toward other characters) and actions

• thoughts, dreams, emotions, attitudes

• what other people say/think about him/her

Move from the outward features to the inward features/nature when writing your characterization. Do not forget to work with the text by using text reference and give examples for your findings, especially when you are working on the last four categories mentioned above.

Basically present tense is used in characterizations.

(siehe: wiki.answers.com/Q/How _ do _ you _ write _ a _ characterization _ essay; die Leerschritte vor und nach den Unterstrichen musst du rauslöschen.)

Ein weiterer guter Link: schulzeug.at/deutsch/sonstige/54-anleitung-zum-schreiben-einer-charakterisierung.

:-) AstridDerPu

PS: Unter folgendem Link findest du eine Vokabelliste mit character traits:


Charakterisierung von was?

 31.10.2014, 15:01

Egal Ich brauche einfach nur ein Beispiel und mit dem Beispiel schreibe ich dann meinen eigenen text :-)

UweKeim  31.10.2014, 15:03

Du verstehst nicht... Naja. Egal. Hier eine Charakterisierung von MacBeth:+

Macbeth is introduced in the play as a warrior hero, whose fame on the battlefield wins him great honor from the king. Essentially, though, he is a human being whose private ambitions are made clear to the audience through his asides and soliloquies (solo speeches). These often conflict with the opinion others have of him, which he describes as "golden" (I:7, 33). Despite his fearless character in battle, Macbeth is concerned by the prophecies of the Witches, and his thoughts remain confused, both before, during, and after his murder of King Duncan. When Duncan announces that he intends the kingdom to pass to his son Malcolm, Macbeth appears frustrated. When he is about to commit the murder, he undergoes terrible pangs of conscience. Macbeth is at his most human and sympathetic when his manliness is mocked and demeaned by his wife (see in particular Act I, Scene 7).

However, by Act III, Scene 2, Macbeth has resolved himself into a far more stereotypical villain and asserts his manliness over that of his wife. His ambition now begins to spur him toward further terrible deeds, and he starts to disregard and even to challenge Fate and Fortune. Each successive murder reduces his human characteristics still further, until he appears to be the more dominant partner in the marriage. Nevertheless, the new-found resolve, which causes Macbeth to "wade" onward into his self-created river of blood (Act III, Scene 4), is persistently alarmed by supernatural events. The appearance of Banquo's ghost, in particular, causes him to swing from one state of mind to another until he is no longer sure of what is and "what is not" (I:3,142).

But Macbeth's hubris or excessive pride is now his dominant character trait. This feature of his personality is well presented in Act IV, Scene 1, when he revisits the Witches of his own accord. His boldness and impression of personal invincibility mark him out for a tragic fall.

Viel Freude damit.