Englisch! Biography about Manuel Neuer

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Manuel Neuer

Manuel Neuer is a german footballer who played for the 'FC Bayern München' and the German Nationalteam.He was born in 1986 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.'Manu' hasn´t got a brother or a sister. He grew up alone with his parents and he was living in Gelsenkirchen.Since 1991, he played for 'FC Schalke 04'. 2006, Mirko Slomka made Manuel Neuer to the new Goalkeeper from 'S04'. 2010, he was the number 1 in the German National Goal.In 2011, he went to 'FC Bayern München'.He won the 'DFB-Pokal' with 'S04' 2005 and 2011.He also won the U-21 EM and he got the price Best U-21 EM Goalkeeper in 2009.'Manu' got the price Best 'Bundesliga' Goalkeeper 2007

Manuel Neuer is a German footballer who played for the 'FC Bayern München' and the German National team.He was born in 1986 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.'Manu' hasn´t got (britisches englisch ist in der schue meistens besser und dann kommt noch ein got dran) a brother or a sister. He grew up only (das only ist dort nicht ganz sichtig ich bin mir aber auch nicht ganz sicher wo es hinkommt) with his parents and he is living in Gelsenkirchen.Since 1991, he played for 'FC Schalke 04'. 2006, Mirko Slomka made Manuel Neuer (ohne to) the new Goalkeeper from 'S04'. 2010, he was the number 1 in the German National Goal.In 2011, he went to 'FC Bayern München'.He won the 'DFB-Pokal' with 'S04' 2005 and 2011. He also(also kommt nicht an den anfang) won the U-21 EM and he got the price Best U-21 EM Goalkeeper in 2009.'Manu' got the price Best 'Bundesliga' Goalkeeper 2007

He grew only with his parents up and he living in Gelsenkirchen, ich zitiere dich^^ ich glaube du hast glück denn ich bin ein irländer ;) also der satz ist grammatikalisches falsch, deswegen nochmal richtig---> "He grew up in gelsenkirchen and he lived with his parents""Also he" kleiner fehler---> so richtig "He also...""....price Best U-21 EM Goalkeeper in 2009" also hier so richtig---->"he got the price .for. the best over u21 em. im nächsten satz gleicher fehler^^ also noch ne gute nacht und ich hoffe dass ich dir helfen konnte :)


Manuel Neuer is a German footballer who played for (ohne Artikel) 'FC Bayern München' and the German national team. He was born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany 1986. (S-P-O-Ort-Zeit)

'Manu' has not got (alternativ: does not have) a brother or a sister. (Keine Kurzformen im Schriftlichen verwenden.)

Since 1991, he has played for 'FC Schalke 04'. (since braucht Present Perfect)

In 2006, Mirko Slomka made Manuel Neuer (--) the new goalkeeper of/at 'S04'.

In 2010, he was the number 1 in the German national goal. In 2011, he changed/went to 'FC Bayern München'. He won the 'DFB-Pokal' with 'S04' in 2005 and in 2011.

Moreover, / He also won (also wird nicht am Satzanfang verwendet) the U-21 EM and he got (besser: won oder was awarded ...) the prize 'Best U-21 EM Goalkeeper 2009'. 'Manu' also got the prize 'Best 'Bundesliga' Goalkeeper 2007‘. (price = (Kauf)Preis, den man bezahlt; prize = Preis, den man erhält; Gewinn, Auszeichnung)

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:-) AstridDerPu