Cartoon Anlysis HILFE?

3 Antworten

Ok ich hab dein Teil der Analyse gesehen, sehr gut. Man könnte vllt noch dazu sagen.

you can figure out, that there is a slightly arroganz and laziness in the behavior of the sharks.

Like in the behavior of humans when they should do something against globalwarming.

The sharks believe that, the human on the island will be still alive in five years.

But most likely he will be dead and rotten and wont be a tasty meal for them.

Like the global warming will not turn every place on earth into exotic paradise. Its just arrogant to think so.

Haha witziger Cartoon.

Ich hab noch nie eine Analyse geschrieben. Aber vllt so.

Oh das ist dann wohl beschreibung nocht analyse. 😂 Fail.

In the picture we see two sharks in the ozean with an island in the backround. On the island we see a man fishing. The one shark is holding a newpaper in his fin.

He is telling the other shark about the fortunate circumstance, he just found out with the help oft the newspaper.

He believes that caused through the global warming, the water of the ocean will rise to a certain repoint.

At this point the island will be underwater and they will be able to eat the guy on the island.

And this occasion is going to be in less the five years......

Verstehst du den Cartoon wirklich nicht?

Der Meeresspiegel steigt durch die Globale Erwärmung sodass der Mann keinen Platz mehr auf der Insel hat und die Haie ihn essen können, weil er dann ja im Wasser ist.

Und das musst du halt groß umschreiben.