Bewertung English Analyse?

2 Antworten


es sind eine Reihe verschiedenster Fehler enthalten - z. B. sind in den ersten drei Sätzen die Zeiten falsch. Außerdem beginnst du die drei Sätze gleich. Variiere mit den Satzanfängen.

Für eine Korrektur wirst du dir schon die Mühe machen müssen, den Text hier reinzuhacken. So ist eine Korrektur viel zu mühsam und aufwändig!


 29.10.2021, 19:31

Was fehlt in der Analyse?

Kam1na  29.10.2021, 19:35

The cartoon is drawing by a cartoonist named Mueller and published in Bath.

The cartoonist is signed the picture at the bottom right.

The cartoon is showing a woman holding a phone to her ear. The woman is

wearing a long-sleeved top, has black hair and is also wearing glasses.

On the right side, one can see a fridge and on the left side a shelf in the

background. The foreground is showing an table, with an opened laptop and a cup

of tea. The colors of the cartoon are black and white.

In the picture below on the left is a following sentence, "A bunch of friends come

over to stare at their phones."

The following analysis will illustrate that it is about a new generation

communication disorder.

The woman in the cartoon is on the phone and says "A bunch of friends are

coming over to stare at their phones." The artist could mean that phones are not

good for people, due to lack of communication in society. He could also mean that

smartphones or electronic devices in general distract us too much and that they

are already part of our body when we , humans, can't even put them down for a


All in all, I think the cartoon is true, because people only use their electronic devices for communication.

AstridDerPu  29.10.2021, 20:03

The cartoon is drawing by a cartoonist named Mueller and published in Bath.

The cartoonist is signed the picture at the bottom right.

The cartoon is showing a woman holding a phone to her ear. The woman is

wearing a long-sleeved top, has black hair and is also wearing glasses.

On the right side, one can see a fridge and on the left side a shelf in the

background. The foreground is showing (Grammatik, Formulierung) an (RS)  table (kein Komma) with an opened laptop and a cup

of tea. The colors (= AE, BE = colours) of the cartoon are black and white.

In the picture below on the left (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) is a (Grammatik) following sentence, "A bunch of friends come

over to stare at their phones."

The following analysis will illustrate (Wort) that it (Wer oder was?) is about a new generation communication disorder.

The woman in the cartoon is on the phone and says "A bunch of friends are

coming over to stare at their phones." (Wiederholung) The artist could mean that phones are not

good for people (kein Komma) due to (Hier fehlt ein Wort.) lack of communication in society. He could also mean (Wiederholung) that

smartphones or electronic devices in general distract us too much and that they

are already part of our body when we , humans, can't *1 even put them down for a


All in all, I think the cartoon is true, because people only use their electronic devices for communication.

*1: Solche Kurzformen werden vorwiegend im gesprochenen Englisch verwendet. In der Schriftsprache - zumindest in formellen Schreiben - sollte man solche und andere Kurzformen vermeiden.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!


Aus den unendlichen Weiten des Internets:

Describe a cartoon:

1. Name source if you can

2. Say who or what the cartoon is about or what it deals with

3. Describe important details

4. Examine the words printed in the cartoon

Die wichtigsten Zeitformen in einer englischen Bild- und Cartoonbeschreibung sind das Present Progressive / Continuous (dynamic verbs: actions); für die Beschreibung, was auf dem Bild geschieht) und das Present Simple ( stative verbs: Verben des Sagens; für die Aussage; say, tell, ask, seem usw.)

Analyse a cartoon:

1. A cartoon is usually topical, so you will need to say what it refers to

2. Are the characters presented in a positive/negative light?

3. Examine whether the cartoon uses irony, and if it does, what effect this has 

4. Explain point, cartoonist is trying to make


Cartoons are often critical -----> recognize/identify them

Read the whole text carefully + examine all symbols…

Be careful when trying to interpret the MESSAGE

Für Beispiele siehe: oder gib bei Googlecartoon description examples ein.

Nützliche Wendungen zur Ana lyse eines Cartoons findest du hier:

Daneben empfehle ich für die Cartoon-Analyse:

:-) AstridDerPu

VeNoM001  02.11.2021, 15:23

Hi, du scheinst gut Englisch zu können. Dürfte ich dich darum bitten, meine letzte Frage zur Analyse auch zu beantworten? Ich weiß, es ist lang, würde mir aber sehr helfen.


Ich habe zwar einige Fehler entdeckt aber mein Englisch ist nicht so gut, dass ich dir das ganze korrigieren könnte aber ich habe hier den Text für die Leute die es können:

The cartoon is drawing by a cartoonist named Mueller and published in Bath.

The cartoonist is signed the picture at the bottom right.

The cartoon is showing a woman holding a phone to her ear. The woman is

wearing a long-sleeved top, has black hair and is also wearing glasses.

On the right side, one can see a fridge and on the left side a shelf in the

background. The foreground is showing an table, with an opened laptop and a cup

of tea. The colors of the cartoon are black and white.

In the picture below on the left is a following sentence, "A bunch of friends come

over to stare at their phones."

The following analysis will illustrate that it is about a new generation

communication disorder.

The woman in the cartoon is on the phone and says "A bunch of friends are

coming over to stare at their phones." The artist could mean that phones are not

good for people, due to lack of communication in society. He could also mean that

smartphones or electronic devices in general distract us too much and that they

are already part of our body when we , humans, can't even put them down for a


All in all, I think the cartoon is true, because people only use their electronic devices for communication.

 29.10.2021, 19:37

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