Batista vs. Cena - Real-Life Heat?

1 Antwort

Dass Cena backstage ziemlich manipulativ und ein eher unsympathischer Zeitgenosse sein soll der notfalls auch über Leichen geht, ist ja schon öfters geschrieben worden.

Zur Heat zwischen Batista und Cena hab ich folgendes gefunden:

John Cena and Batista came up to become main-eventers in the WWE almost in the same time, as their rise to stardom began exactly in the right time and despite being quite equal, Cena was given all the big opportunities. This obviously irked The Animal who would go onto leave the WWE in 2010, as Cena probably hated Batista for being as good as(if not better) than him and used his backstage power to make sure he got all the big opportunities instead of the Animal. After his second stint with the WWE came to an end, Batista revealed a lot of stuff about the company which included about how he was kept down by the WWE who only loved to advertize Cena as their "top star" and didn't even give him a proper chance to become the main guy of the company. But John would win in the end as Batista would force to leave the WWE, but the joke is probably on him as he went onto become a star in Hollywood something which Cena hasn't been able to do and this would probably increase his hate towards Batista.

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Wrestling-Nerd seit 1992 mit großem Detailwissen