Bären Gedicht auf Englisch?

Userin9365  04.05.2020, 14:24

Darf man es sich ausdenken?

 06.05.2020, 12:55


2 Antworten

A bear there was

A bear, a bear

All black and brown

And covered in hair

Three boys, a goat

And a dancing bear

They danced and spun

Up to the fair

How sweet she was

And pure and fair

The maid with honey

Up in her hair

He smelled her all

On the summer air

The maid with honey

Up in her hair

From there to here

From here to there

All black and brown

And covered in hair

He smelled that girl

In summer air

The bear, the bear

And maiden fair

Oh, I'm a maid

And I'm pure and fair

I'll never dance

With a hairy bear

I called the knight

But you're a bear

All black and brown

And covered in hair

From there to here

From here to there

All black and brown

And covered in hair

He smelled that girl

In summer air

The bear, the bear

And maiden fair

The bear, the bear

And maiden fair

And the bear, the bear

Das ist nicht nur ein Gedicht, sondern ein Lied von The Hold Steady

Das Original finde ich weniger beeindruckend, aber jemand hat es als mittelalterliches Minnelied gecovered, die Version ist meiner Meinung nach weitaus interessanter ;)


hier wäre das Original:
