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Mit /mod [Username] (im Chat) kannst Du einem User Moderator geben.

Ein Moderator verfügt über folgende Rechte/Befehle:



This command allows you to temporarily ban someone from the chat room for 10 minutes. This will be indicated to yourself and the temporarily banned subject in chat on a successful temporary ban - it also also supports banning for a specific set of time (for example if you wanted to ban them for 20 minutes instead of the normal 10 minute. ​ Usage (Default): /timeout

Usage (Custom): /timeout


This command will allow you to permanently ban a user from the chat room.

Usage: /ban


This command will allow you to lift a permanent ban (or a ban early if so wish, this also applies to timeouts) on a user from the chat room.

Usage: /unban


This command allows you to set a limit on how often a chatter is allowed to send messages (rate limiting).

Usage: /slow

Note: Twitch Partners with a Subscription Button can allow their Subscribers to bypass the slow mode filter if they so wish to do so by going to their dashboard and navigating to their subscriptions tab.


This command allows you to disable slow mode if you had previously set it.

Usage: /slowoff


This command allows you to set your room so only users subscribed to you can talk in the chat room, if you don't have the subscription feature it will only allow the Broadcaster and the channel moderators to talk in the chat room.

Usage: /subscribers

Note: Subscriptions are a premium feature for select partners that require a paid purchase for the viewer to participate.


This command allows you to disable subscribers only chat room if you previously enabled it.

Usage: /subscribersoff

Note: Subscriptions are a premium feature for select partners that require a paid purchase for the viewer to participate.


This command will allow the Broadcaster and chat moderators to completely wipe the previous chat history.

Usage: /clear

Note: Users with IRC or browser add-ons may not see the chat get wiped due to history saving features and logging.


This command will not allow users to post non-unique messages to the channel. It will check for a minimum of 9 characters that are not symbol unicode characters.

Usage: /r9kbeta

Note: R9K is a unique way of moderating essentially allowing you to stop generic copy-pasted messages intended as spam among over generally annoying content. To find out more about what R9K is we highly suggest reading this blog post.


This command will disable R9K mode if it was previously enabled on the channel.

Usage: /r9kbetaoff

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