Arguments against volunteer work in Germany?

3 Antworten

volunteer work replaces regular jobs, for example in the health sector

volunteers don´t receive a payment that would enable them to take care of their own needs (pensions, saving money for bad times etc.)

volunteers don´t have unions, so it´s hard for them to fight for their rights

volunteer work keeps unemployment statistics at bay despite the fact that the people concerned do NOT have a regular job

not all so called volunteers ARE volunteers - for some it is the only alternative to sitting at home and waiting for "real" jobs that never come

volunteers are not regarded as potential candidates for qualification and support by jobcenter/ Agentur für Arbeit


gib bei Google - pros and cons volunteer work bzw.
pro und kontra freiwillige Arbeit in Deutschland ein
und folge den Links, z.B. diesen hier:



Das beliebteste Argument ist immer "Vernichtet reguläre Arbeitsplätze". Mehr fällt mir leider grade auch nicht ein...

 02.06.2014, 22:57

Hört sich gut an danke :)