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Ich muss für Englisch eine Zusammenfassung über The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy schreiben und bin mir unsicher wo ich noch Fehler habe.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy series written by Douglas Adams. It follows the adventures of an ordinary human, Arthur Dent, who is rescued from Earth's destruction by an alien named Ford Prefect. Together they save themselves on a Vogon spaceship. There they hide from them, but when they are found they are thrown into space. Unfortunately for them, they have to listen to a poem by one of the Vogons. One second before they die, the Golden Heart rescues them and gets them onto the spaceship. This had been stolen by Zaphod, the president of the galaxy. He is on his way to the horsehead Nebula where Magrathea is located. Once there, they are attacked and just manage to land. Arthur meets one of the creatures living there and finds out that 42 is the answer to everything. However, it turned out that they did not yet know the question to the answer and so 10 million years ago they built a computer, the earth, to tell them the question. The earth was destroyed 5 minutes before it had the question. So the mice wants Arthur's brain because they think they would find the question there. But he refuses and so Arthur, Ford, Zaphod and Trillian had to flee together. They succeeded with the help of Slartibartfast.

Danke schonmal an alle die Antworten.