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Brief Gasteltern Kanada (Englisch)


wir müssen für unsere Tochter einen Brief an ihre Gasteltern in Kanada verfassen. Unser Englisch ist nicht sehr gut, deshalb wäre es nett, wenn jemand unsere Fehler korrigiert. Danke im Vorraus!

My dear guest parents

Thank you for opening your house to our daughter xxx. Our names are xxx and xxx. We are the parents of xxx. We are farmers near Cologne with a lot of cows and a lot of work. We hope you will have a great time together. xxxx waits for the moment to go to Canada and she is a little bit nervous. xxx has an older brother named xxxx (20) and a younger sister named xxx (16). xxx finished the German high school this springtime and she works now in a pub to get money for her trip to Canada. In her free time she spends a lot of time with her friends and she likes to play tennis. Also she likes cooking and she does it very well. In future xxx wants to work with people, but she doesn’t know exactly what kind of work. Now she wants to go to another country to see another way of life and learn the language. xxxx is very ambitions and sometimes too impatient. xxx(brother)xxx wants to be a good farmer, so he makes a vocational Training and in the next two years he goes back to school. xxx(sister)xxx goes to high school and she will finished in two years. Cologne and the area around is a part of Germany well known for the cathedral cologne and for a special way of life. People are very tolerant and love to make party like “Karneval�?. Foreigners are always welcome and the most important thing is soccer. We hope xxxx will enjoy the trip and come back with a lot of new experience from Canada.

Many Greetings

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Also insgesamt ist es ganz gut geschrieben. Ich würde aber den Anfang ändern und eher sagen "thank you for welcoming our daughter into your Family". Ich frage mich aber ob es nötig ist über ihre Geschwister zu informieren was er im moment macht oder machen will?

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Warum musst du mit anderen Mädchen schreiben wenn du " dein" Mädchen hast? Würdest du es mögen wenn sie mit anderen Jungs schreibt?

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Also wie haben auch 2 hunde habe diese sind nicht mutter und tochter. Wenn wir mit unseren schäferhund laufen gehen und den husky zu hause lassen jault er auch. Aber ich denke er jault weil er halt auch spazieren gehen will. Und jetzt... Auch wenn es viel arbeit ist gehe ich mit beiden hunden laufen. Versucht duch auch mal mit beiden laufen zugehen? Das jaulen vor dem spazieren gehen ist aufregung. Das machen unsere auch...

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Brauchst es nichtbaus schalten. Mache es einfach in "flightmode"

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Englisch Prüfung, Martin Luther King

Guten Morgen erstmal, Ich hab demnächst meine Englisch Prüfung mein Thema Martin Luther King, ich hab die ersten Teile der Prüfung in der Schule geschrieben dort bekomme ich auch Hilfe dabei, bei den letzten teil den ich geschrieben habe, waren bereits Ferien und keiner hat es sich angeguckt. Ich tue mich sehr schwer in den sprachlichen Fächern und jetzt möchte ich euch bitten mal rüber zuschauen und auch die gravierenden Fehler zu korrigierten

Danke für eure Zeit und euer Aufwand :)

His work brought decisive success in the equality of blacks, after the large protests in 1963 were 2 decision duck passed laws. in 1964 the "Civil Rights Act" racial segregation in any state of the United States was thus officially prohibited in all areas. This means that blacks and the white is no longer retained by the public as Minder finished. Thus they may, for example. On the bus there again sat where they want and do not separate from other people, and they are not obliged to others to give their place if they require it. In the same year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

A year later, the US Congress passed the "Voting Rights Act", which canceled all restrictions on the right to vote for blacks. This means that citizens of color are free to choose and may themselves steal the election.

Although Martin Luther King was the situation for blacks much improved with its use, we must not forget that even today many people with prejudices, exclusion, hostility and discrimination are struggling. Although they are equal before the law, but the reality is often different. Furthermore, much more black Americans living in the US relatively poor and can not afford a good education. In powerful positions and political office still dominates the white population. Especially for many African Americans the election of Barack Obama as the first black US president was therefore of great importance. But Martin Luther King's speech from 1963 still remains the dream of a world as it could be one day

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" the white population still dominates politics etc..." Satzbau ist da etwas durch einander

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Englisch Prüfung, Martin Luther King

Guten Morgen erstmal, Ich hab demnächst meine Englisch Prüfung mein Thema Martin Luther King, ich hab die ersten Teile der Prüfung in der Schule geschrieben dort bekomme ich auch Hilfe dabei, bei den letzten teil den ich geschrieben habe, waren bereits Ferien und keiner hat es sich angeguckt. Ich tue mich sehr schwer in den sprachlichen Fächern und jetzt möchte ich euch bitten mal rüber zuschauen und auch die gravierenden Fehler zu korrigierten

Danke für eure Zeit und euer Aufwand :)

His work brought decisive success in the equality of blacks, after the large protests in 1963 were 2 decision duck passed laws. in 1964 the "Civil Rights Act" racial segregation in any state of the United States was thus officially prohibited in all areas. This means that blacks and the white is no longer retained by the public as Minder finished. Thus they may, for example. On the bus there again sat where they want and do not separate from other people, and they are not obliged to others to give their place if they require it. In the same year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

A year later, the US Congress passed the "Voting Rights Act", which canceled all restrictions on the right to vote for blacks. This means that citizens of color are free to choose and may themselves steal the election.

Although Martin Luther King was the situation for blacks much improved with its use, we must not forget that even today many people with prejudices, exclusion, hostility and discrimination are struggling. Although they are equal before the law, but the reality is often different. Furthermore, much more black Americans living in the US relatively poor and can not afford a good education. In powerful positions and political office still dominates the white population. Especially for many African Americans the election of Barack Obama as the first black US president was therefore of great importance. But Martin Luther King's speech from 1963 still remains the dream of a world as it could be one day

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"On the bus there again they sat where they want to" .... Besser wäre wenn du sagst on the bus the blacks started to sit where they wanted to. Deins ist zu sehr vom deutschen in englischen ünersetzt.

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Englisch Prüfung, Martin Luther King

Guten Morgen erstmal, Ich hab demnächst meine Englisch Prüfung mein Thema Martin Luther King, ich hab die ersten Teile der Prüfung in der Schule geschrieben dort bekomme ich auch Hilfe dabei, bei den letzten teil den ich geschrieben habe, waren bereits Ferien und keiner hat es sich angeguckt. Ich tue mich sehr schwer in den sprachlichen Fächern und jetzt möchte ich euch bitten mal rüber zuschauen und auch die gravierenden Fehler zu korrigierten

Danke für eure Zeit und euer Aufwand :)

His work brought decisive success in the equality of blacks, after the large protests in 1963 were 2 decision duck passed laws. in 1964 the "Civil Rights Act" racial segregation in any state of the United States was thus officially prohibited in all areas. This means that blacks and the white is no longer retained by the public as Minder finished. Thus they may, for example. On the bus there again sat where they want and do not separate from other people, and they are not obliged to others to give their place if they require it. In the same year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

A year later, the US Congress passed the "Voting Rights Act", which canceled all restrictions on the right to vote for blacks. This means that citizens of color are free to choose and may themselves steal the election.

Although Martin Luther King was the situation for blacks much improved with its use, we must not forget that even today many people with prejudices, exclusion, hostility and discrimination are struggling. Although they are equal before the law, but the reality is often different. Furthermore, much more black Americans living in the US relatively poor and can not afford a good education. In powerful positions and political office still dominates the white population. Especially for many African Americans the election of Barack Obama as the first black US president was therefore of great importance. But Martin Luther King's speech from 1963 still remains the dream of a world as it could be one day

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Was willst du mit "equal before the law" sagen ?

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Ich denke wenn man einmal diesen schritt überwunden hat sich mehr zu bewegen... Könnte es sogar sehr gut sein das du auch spass dran findest sport zu machen. Fange langsam an mit dem Sport... Vorallem wenn du noch " nie" Sport getrieben hast. Vielleicht ist Sport ja deine Lösung bzw. Hast du einen höheren Lebenswille.

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