Übersetzung Englisch --> Deutsch

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The importance of the Anglo-American special relationship depends upon which end of the telescope you view it through. It's a big deal in Britain. But the term "special relationship" is almost entirely foreign to American ears. After all, the United States is increasingly Hispanic and increasingly wedded economically to Asia, and is bound to shift or at least broaden its longtime alliances. Aside from its friendship with Britain, the world's only superpower will naturally have a number of extraordinary bilateral relationships: with Japan and China (the two largest holders of U.S. debt), Saudi Arabia (oil) and Mexico (the single largest source of U.S. immigrants), to name just a few. It's no accident that Hillary Clinton's first trip abroad as secretary of state is not to Europe—the traditional destination—but to Asia.When Blair spoke of "post-empire malaise," he saw the need for Britain to become "as confident of its future as it once was of its past." And why not? Battered though they both are these days, the ancient City of London is the equal of Wall Street. The great English universities are still among the world's finest. The Palace of Westminster houses what is still "the mother of Parliaments." Immigration has brought a new vibrancy to all corners of British life. There's no reason why confidence should be in short supply—a fact that Brown seemed to recognize two years ago when he launched a now dormant "Britishness" campaign and spoke of setting down in writing "the values, founded in liberty, which define our citizenship and help define our country."

America has moved on. In his Inaugural Address, Obama said, "Know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity." His sole reference to Britain was the defeat of its troops by George Washington. Britain should move on, too.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus.

PS: Den Inhalt wiedergeben würde im Notfall auch gehen.

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Heißt alles das selbe - Alles in Ordnung. Nimm für die Karteikarte aber lieber alright.

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