Also ein Headliner für ein Event mit 20000 Leuten kriegt ca. $30,000 hab ich mal gelesen.

natürlich hängt das von vielen Faktoren ab. Queen haben mal $600,000 für rock in rio gekriegt....

...zur Antwort

"Few records indicate Indians’ reactions to tornadoes, but we do know that tribes did encounter twisters. They had little warning of approaching storms and, in most cases, they rode them out.

Some folklore tells about people surviving tornadoes. One that comes to mind is the legend of a young Crow Indian, Bear White Child. Peter Nabokov recorded it in Two Leggings, based on the field notes of William Wildschut, who interviewed Crow warrior Two Leggings in the 1920s.

Bear White Child told of how a tornado lifted him up, sang to him and gently set him down. This incident happened four times until the “roar of the bear,” or song, ended. 

He must have been one lucky guy."

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