Aufsatz über Ferien in Englisch

Hallo! Ich muss in Englisch einen Aufsatz über die Osterferien schreiben. Wir sollen auch ein paar Bräuche erklären. Ich bin in der 9. Klasse. Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn jemand für mich Korrektur lesen könnte! Ich bin auch über weiter Anregungen sehr dankbar! Bis bald Bianca :)

My Easter holidays

I spent my Easter holidays at home and in Gran Canaria. The holidays were from the 18. April - 04. May. On Maundy Thursday my family and I look for easter nest. In Germany there are many easter customs. For example hide the parents small Easter nests on Maundy Thursday or Easter Sunday for their children. Then the children go usually into the garden and look for their little gifts. In my nest was some money, sweets and a bracelet. God Friday was our first holiday day. I made with my mother some preparations for the weekend because related visited us. We ate and talked a lot .On Easter Monday my family and I visited my grandparents. To eat, there was a roast hare. To easter each family eat different things. After that we made ​​our „Osterspaziergang“. This is a traditional walk. In the evening we visited my uncle because it was his birthday. The next three days I was sick. I had a hefty cold. The Friday and Saturday we spent by my cousin in munich. We celebrated were shopping and have eaten a lot. Saturday night my family and I flew to Gran Canaria. The flight lasted five hours. Here I spent the rest of my vacation. The sun has shining every day and it was 30 degrees hot. We were in a large hotel with five pools. The food also tasted very good.It was not far to the beach. We were swimming in the sea every day. Sometimes we were shopping. Monday morning we are flew back home. I had wonderful holidays but they were over too fast.

Englisch, Aufsatz, Rechtschreibung
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