
Hallo, könnte sich jemand bitte meinen Text anschauen (vor allem Grammatik). Vorab will ich sagen, dass es um einen Tag in einem Bildungszentrum geht.

When we arrived there on the second day, we had to go to our maintenance groups immediately. On that day, there was another specialist, so we had to introduce ourselves to her. After introducing, we got two sheets of paper. On the first one, there was only an eye and on the second one, there was a whole face. She said we had to paint makeup on both the eye and the face. In my opinion, my pictures were very ugly and it was very difficult for me because I can‘t draw well and I have never worn makeup before. After that, we grabbed our hairdressing heads which still had curlers in their hair and we had to remove them. They needed to be left in their hair overnight so that a volume winding would form. Luckily, it worked! Then we had to create our own hairstyle on our hairdressing head. The specialist said my hairstyle was pretty good. Then we could style and wash each other‘s hair again and X wanted to try  volume winding again as it didn‘t work on the previous day. On that day, it definitely worked better but she had to dry her hair with a hair dryer for about one hour because her hair was still too wet to remove the curlers from her hair. I was so sorry for her. Finally, she did it after one hour and her hair looked gorgeous, so in my opinion it was worth it. In the last 50 minutes, we could wear makeup but of course I didn‘t want, so I observed my classmates again. On the one hand, I think I could work as a hairdresser in future because it‘s interesting what customers tell you while I‘m styling their hair and it‘s also interesting to try out different hairstyles but on the other hand, this job doesn‘t match to me  because I‘m scared of doing mistakes because for example I could cut off a customer‘s hair and I don‘t want to touch stranger‘s hair. 

...zum Beitrag

When we arrived there on the second day, we had to go to our maintenance groups immediately. On that day, there was another specialist, so we had to introduce ourselves to her. After introducing, we got two sheets of paper. (/Then she handed each of us two sheets of paper) On the first one, there was only an eye and on the second one, there was a whole face. She said we had to apply makeup on both the eye and the face. In my opinion, my pictures were very ugly and it was very difficult for me because I can‘t draw well and I had never worn makeup before. After that, we grabbed our hairdressing heads which still had curlers in their hair and we had to remove them. They needed to be left in their hair overnight so that a volume winding would form. Luckily, it worked! Then we had to create our own hairstyle on our hairdressing head. The specialist said my hairstyle was pretty good. Then we could style and wash each other‘s hair again and X wanted to try volume winding again as it didn‘t work on the previous day. This time, it definitely worked better but she had to dry her hair with a hair dryer for about one hour because (/as) her hair was still too wet to remove the curlers from her hair. I felt bad for her. Finally, she was finished after one hour and her hair looked gorgeous, so in my opinion it was worth it. In the last 50 minutes, we could wear makeup but I did not want to, so I observed my classmates again. On the one hand, I think I could work as a hairdresser in the future because it‘s interesting what customers tell you while you're styling their hair and it‘s also interesting to try out different hairstyles but on the other hand, this job doesn‘t fit me because I‘m (too) scared of making mistakes and I don't want to touch a stranger's hair.

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wenn Musik downloaden kein Problem für dich ist, würde ich dir NewPipe empfehlen

Ist wie YouTube, und du kannst Musik auf Youtube mit oder ohne Video herunterladen

Sonst finde ich auch Spotify und Soundcloud gut

...zur Antwort

wenn du eine senkrechte Linie durch den Graphen ziehen würdest und du 2 Punkte auf deiner vertikalen Linie hast, dann lautet die Antwort NEIN, du hast keine Funktion

ein x-Wert darf nur zu einem y-Wert führen

Ich würde vlt zuerst zum Ausprobieren einfach ein Lineal senkrecht hinhalten und von von links nach rechts hinüberziehen

danach sieht man es meistens auf den ersten Blick

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Erste Möglichkeit

Ich würde auch das "die" vor "Endlagerung" weglassen, klingt mMn schöner, ist aber unwichtig

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das heißt dass sich die Lebenserwartung relativ zum Fleischkonsum erhöht

die Kindersterblichkeitsrate geht exponentiell nach unten, ja

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Die erste Zeile hat deine X-Werte - die fügst du dann in die Gleichung ein

zu beachten f(x) ist das gleiche wie y

Beispiel 1

y = (x - 2)² + 0,5

y = (-1 - 2)² + 0,5

y = 1 + 4 - 4 + 0,5

y = 1,5

Das trägst du dann im Koordinationsystem/Graphen ein als (x|y) also (-1|1,5)

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ich simpe

Wenn wir uns schon in diesem Deutsch/Englisch-Bereich bewegen, ist das eigentlich jedem selbst überlassen ob man jetzt die Grammatik von der einen oder anderen Sprache verwendet.

Ich persönlich würde "ich simpe (für eine Person)" sagen.

...zur Antwort

ich würde trotzdem mit

"Dear XXX" anfangen

"I hope you are doing well." klingt mMn besser

Den 2. Paragraph würde ich vereinfachen. Etwas wie:

"I wanted to ask if you could be my first supervisor for this project. XXX (date) or later. What would suit you best?"

"I hope you have a nice day/week"

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hmm habe das nie so gelernt aber nach Gefühl würde ich sagen beides geht aber

old damaged

hört sich besser an

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Bedeutung des Songs

2 Liebende haben das Gefühl, dass sie eigentlich nicht zusammenpassen, aber haben nicht den Mut es auszusprechen


azurblaues Korallenmeer


verpassen wie es plötzlich blass/kreideweiß wird

(eine online beliebte Interpretation

Wenn Korallenriffe absterben/vergleichen werden sie grauweiß - das könnte eine Metapher für die Liebesbeziehung der 2 sein)

当初被此 (妳我都)不夠成熟坦白

Damals waren wir beide noch nicht reif genug uns zu gestehen (dass wir nicht zusammenpassen)



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Ja, zwischen Kunst und Künstler sollte man differenzieren

Der Hauptunterschied zwischen Kunst und Künstler ist, dass sich Künstler/Menschen ändern aber ein Kunstwerk nicht. (abgesehen davon, dass es kaputt wird oder so)

...zur Antwort

Naja man soll einfach das Wort nehmen das am besten passt, die Situation am besten beschreibt.

1. Satz

Wenn man die ganze Nacht nicht schläft, wir man wohl schon ziemlich müde sein.

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