Zitate oder sprüche von shisui uchiha?

2 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet
Nameless Individuals who maintain peace from the shadows... I belive that is a true shinobi ~shisui Uchiha
I don‘t even know if there is such a thing as justice in the shinobi world. We fight believing in our own justice. But if the enemy is doing the same thing, who‘s right?~shisui Uchiha
You're the only Person I can count on my best friend - shisui Uchiha
why is loneliness bad? You start joking. The joke doesnt seem funny at All. You start to relate to it. Doubts Start creeping out. Doubts on yourself. Doubts on every one and everything. It starts to hurt until you physically feel the pain and crumble apart. Depression really kills. Lonelyness turns a human into a living corpse ~shisui Uchiha
More than love, you speek acknowledgement. More than Touch, you crave understanding. More than a lover, you need a friend. ~shisui Uchiha
Make no mistake. Im neither an Idiot nor blind I always know when people lie to me. I just act like I have no idea, simply because I want them to realise. Realise that they are not fooling anyone by their lies, but instead losing one Person that they coult count on whenever they needed. I let myself get hurt in hopes that maybe they will realise their mistake. ~shisui Uchiha
never leave me alone with the voices in my head. They get louder and louder as my time Passes. They eventually reach a Level when I cant even hear the ones i love. they imprison the mind and torture until I give up. They question me every decision. Fiel my ever regret ~shisui Uchiha

Hoffe das reicht erstmal xd Quellen waren Google und natürlich naruto. (ich weiss nciht ob wirklich alle stimmen aber hätte bei Google geguckt ^^)

I don‘t even know if there is such a thing as justice in the shinobi world. We fight believing in our own justice. But if the enemy is doing the same thing, who‘s right?

 10.04.2020, 23:54
