Woher hat man eigentlich die Namen für die Suren im Koran?

3 Antworten

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„Asalamu Alaikum Warina

Hope you are doing well. May Allah Almighty reward you for sending your question. Indeed, it is always good to hear from our brothers and sisters and be able to provide them with information that can help them better understand their religion. 

Muslims believe that the divinity of the Quran and its authenticity is an issue beyond any doubt, as it has been proven through many textual and intellectual evidences, something that no other book can claim.

This is not only because it is a miraculous book, but also because it was revealed as the final and everlasting source of guidance for all humankind till the day of Judgment.

Every letter and word in the Quran has been handed down to us through generations and centuries in the absolute same form in which it was revealed.

Yet, the question you raised regarding the names of the surahs (chapters) of the Quran is valid: Were the surahs given their names during the time of the Prophet (PBUH), or were they given their names later on?

The majority of Muslim scholars agree that the names of the surahs were based on revelation. This means that it is either that Almighty Allah sent Gabriel down with the names of the surahs to the Prophet (PBUH), who told the Companions about them. Or the Prophet himself was guided to name them, and then revelation came in support of the name chosen.“


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Hier kurz auf Deutsch, so wie ich es verstanden habe:

Entweder Mohammed hat per Offenbarungen durch einen Engel die Namen gesagt bekommen oder Mohammed wurde durch Gott zu den Namen geführt.

Termobar  01.06.2021, 08:59

Muslims believe that the divinity of the Quran and its authenticity is an issue beyond any doubt, as it has been proven through many textual and intellectual evidences, something that no other book can claim.

Nenne einen der Beweise. Übrigens "behaupten können" können das auch andere Bücher, zeigen kanne s nur keins, auch nicht der koran.

This is not only because it is a miraculous book, but also because it was revealed as the final and everlasting source of guidance for all humankind till the day of Judgment.

Es ist kein wundersames Buch.

Every letter and word in the Quran has been handed down to us through generations and centuries in the absolute same form in which it was revealed.

Wozu dann die Sammlung unter Uthman? Warum zigmal das gleiche Buch zerstören lassen um es neu schreiben zu lassen?


Es geht nicht darum, was theoretisch passt, sondern was bestimmt wurde. Allah hat diese Namen bestimmt. Eine Zeit, bevor der Prophet starb übermittelte Allah ihm durch den Engel Gabriel, wie die Suren heißen, wie viel Verse eine Sure hat, was zu einer Sure gehört und in welcher Reihenfolge die Suren gebracht werden sollen.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Autodidakt Islam seit 2010 und Online-Studiengang Tauhid

Termobar  01.06.2021, 08:59

Wozu musste Uthman das dann nochmal machen?