Wie lange dauert die Verlängerung eines marokkanischen Reisepasses?

2 Antworten

Das kann man allgemein so nicht beantworten, es hängt von der jeweiligen Behörde ab, die für Reisepässe zuständig ist. Eine Verlängerung sollte aber relativ schnell und unbürokratisch möglich sein - im Unterschied zur Erstbeantragung eines Reisepasses.

I have the same problem. I have been to the Moroccan consulate in Frankfurt to renew the passport, when they tell me that it would take 6 weeks because they should first change the ID (CIN), and only then the passport can be changed. When I called on the phone nobody told me the information and I have a trip to Greece planned in 3 weeks that I cannot cancel. Is there a solution to get a temporary passport or something? Could you eventually travel?

benzebenze69  22.01.2024, 21:29

Hi I have the same problem now. I will go in 3 weeks from 18.02.-02.03. and my passport will expire on 24.07.24.

And did you manage it? Or tried? I would be very happy to receive an answer