wie behebe ich 0xc000007b (visual studio c++ )

1 Antwort

0xc000007b (visual studio c++ = "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT"

Siehe: "a 64-bit process cannot contain any 32-bit code. Or the other way around, a 32-bit process trying to load a 64-bit DLL." -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14183649/msvc-2010-error-0xc000007b-when-building-in-x64

surfenohneende  21.03.2015, 22:44

Mögliche Lösung:

"he problem was due to 32/64-bit mismatches of various system dlls required by Visual studio"

"Replacing the dlls mentioned below from a machine that is working solves the problem:"

" c:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp100.dll
c:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcr100d.dll "

Siehe: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/96035692-9a50-40d4-a7d3-48bda87d11ec/the-application-was-unable-to-start-correctly-0xc000007b-click-ok-to-close-the-application-when?forum=vssetup

SysWOW64 = Windows on Windows Mashine -> Wichtig für 32 Bit Programme unter 64 Bit windows