Wenn ich etwas schaue wieviele bilder pro Sekunde sind das durchschnittlich bei serien oder filmen?

1 Antwort

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet
  • 24fps: Movies, streaming video content (to account for a discrepancy in connection speed), and video game captures use this speed to achieve that classic cinematic look.
  • 30fps: Live TV broadcasts (sports and news) and most TV shows use this speed to increase their quality. Sports, in particular, need to show movement more clearly and in real time, which is why 30fps is the frame rate of choice.
  • 60fps: As 4K video resolution becomes more prevalent, a broader audience has been introduced to this FPS. 4K resolution lets a higher frame rate be displayed and gives the footage an amazingly detailed and lifelike view. Perfect if you want to record a video game, this frame rate also increases the smoothness of action.
  • 120fps and above: This speed produces slow-motion video and captures video games with fast and furious action (fighting, shooting, sports games). Going higher than 120fps, a rare occurrence for most filmmakers, will require a high-speed camera to make the footage look natural and smooth.
