Was bedeutet diese Flagge?

3 Antworten

Das ist eine Flagge der Firefighter der USA, nennt sich Red Line Flag. Kannst du googeln.

Es gibt sie auch mit einer Blauen Linie, das ist dann eine Polizeiflagge.


Today, the term “Thin Red Line” is a symbol used by fire departments to show respect for firefighters injured and killed in the line of duty. As firefighters are periled, they place their lives second to those they protect. They are forced to face their own fears and grasp for every ounce of courage to perform the necessary task. “The Thin Red Line of Courage” represents the last ounce of courage firefighters find deep in their blood to conquer their darkest fears in order to save and protect life and property.

Passend dazu noch eine weitere Art der Flagge:
